Why Video Games Are a Waste of Time
Do you wish you made more money? Do you wish you were in better shape? Do you wish you had a girlfriend? If you're not satisfied with the path of your life, you need to look at your daily habits. And video games are one of the biggest time wasters for men.
Are video games addicting? I've had times where I drank too much alcohol. I've had times where I was smoking cigarettes. I've also had times where I spent too much effort chasing girls. But you know what my worst addiction was? Gaming.
Gaming is addicting because its not illegal. It's not going to lead to a dramatic event like a DUI or a near overdose. It's just slowly going to suck your life away.
This post is gonna trigger you, but you still need to read it.
The World Health Organization labeled video game addiction as a mental health disorder.
You Don't Do Anything Interesting With Your Time
‘So what'd you do this weekend?’ People always ask this. And if you spent all weekend playing Apex Legends, you'll have nothing interesting to say. Most people have nothing interesting to say. And this is why girls find most guys boring.
The typical guy in his 20s spends his free time playing video games, jerking off to porn, watching sports or mindlessly scrolling social media. If you're on the Path To Manliness, you need to stand out from the masses of boring dudes.
I've been there. There have been times where I spent 20-30 hours a week playing games. These were not the best times in my life. Later, I would recognize how gaming had been holding me back from not only being a better man but also from living a more interesting life.
Video games are a massive time sink. And if you let them, they will consume all your free time.
Video games are not evil when done in moderation. You must recognize that gaming is literally designed to be addictive. Modern games are increasingly using "Skinner Boxes" or slot machine tactics to hook you in to playing just one more round. Modern games reward you for leveling up, or playing longer, by offering a random reward. These lootboxes are random, don't show the 'drop rate' or odds and often offer a 'virtual currency' to pay to win.
You need to have an honest conversation with yourself here. Do you have an unhealthy relationship with video games?
You Don't Have Time to Exercise or Eat Right
If you are microwaving chicken nuggets for dinner so you'll have more time to level up your character, then you may have an unhealthy gaming habit. If you can't find time to hit the gym, then you need to reevaluate your daily habits. If you rather stay in and watch porn than go out and meet people, you're holding yourself back.
Sitting in the same place for long periods of time is as dangerous as smoking. It leads to heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. Gaming keeps your eyes glued to the screen and your butt glued to your seat.
If you really want to see how inactive you are when you're gaming, start tracking your steps. A few years ago I did this and it was a real eye opener. I bought this Garmin Instinct (You can check the price on amazon here) and noticed I had extended periods of zero activity. Those days where I spent the most time gaming, I barely moved.
Now, rather than thinking about gaming whenever I had the time, I made exercise a priority. And this can still be fun. There are plenty of ways to enjoy exercise. You can take your dog for a walk, go hike local trails or start taking martial arts.
You're Not Actively Pursuing Any Meaningful Pursuits
Gaming tricks the reward center in your mind into feeling like it's being productive. You level up in Call of Duty and feel good about yourself. But when you turn off the PS4, you feel empty. You realize that these virtual accomplishments are meaningless.
Video games can be a fun diversion. But they're only fun if you're doing well in the real world. If you aren't working out, making good money and meeting high value women, then gaming is holding you back.
Don't let yourself fall into the trap of escapism. Because no matter how good you are at a game, you can't bring that skill into the real world. Collecting virtual money won't make you rich in the real world. Leveling up your character will never be as gratifying as gaining strength in the gym.
In fact, many gamers become addicted to the gym because there are parallels between games and gainz. The gym is a grind and the more time you put in, the more results you get out.
And if you aren't getting the dopamine hits from gaming, your brain will seek out more productive ways to feel accomplished. Living life is always going to be more fulfilling than the virtual world. Yes, it's harder. But it's worth it.
Here's How To Overcome Your Gaming Addiction
Try a 90 day video game detox. You don't have to quit forever, but you need to quit completely for 90 days to give yourself some perspective. What you find may surprise you.
You will find your mood improving. You will get stronger since you now have time for the gym. You will even discover other hobbies that you love.
Replace your gaming habit with better habits! This could be something exciting like kayaking or taking martial arts classes. You could take an online class or learn a musical instrument. If you enjoy first person shooters, see if there are paintball fields near you. That counts as exercise!
I tried the 90 day gaming detox a few years ago. I ended up going 500 days without gaming and saw all sorts of benefits to my life. It created a void in my life so I started writing and that led to the creation of this website. And now it has become the game I want to play. It's made me money, I've met great friends and helped me get in the best shape of my life.
Today, I still play games, but not nearly as often. I focus on getting my runs and gym workouts in first. I take Tae Kwon Do. I spend time with my family. And on occasion, I'll play a game here and there, but it's not my go to leisure activity anymore.
I've also found that online gaming is too much of a time sink for me. And it tends to just make me angry. So I almost never play online games. But I have kids, and they like to play games with me. Is it quality time? Debatable but we have fun. I rather play catch or go outside, but any time spent with your kids is worthwhile.
If this thread struck a nerve, let me know in the comments below. Or contact me if you need help. I help forge men into high value men. That can mean quitting gaming and finding better habits. If you want one on one help, click here for more info. This is not cheap, but becoming a top tier man is worth the price of admission!
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What do we talk about here?
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Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.