It's Time To Go Back To Normal Life
Eventually you are going to have to move on with your life. And a massive percentage of the world is unwilling to do so. For 2 years now, the world has effectively lived under various degrees of lockdown.
I've been reluctant to talk about Covid officially but I have to speak up. I'm tired of watching the world descend into mass neuroticism and fear. I can stay silent no longer. But I can't say this on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
It’s a Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door
It's time to go back to normal life. And some of you will be surprised to find out that many people already are living a normal life.
If you're in sales, you have to start traveling and seeing customers. You have to make a living.
If you have kids, you need to start socializing them. They deserve the opportunity to develop social skills and to have fun.
If you stopped going to the gym because of Covid, you're missing the entire point of staying healthy.
Most people are completely clueless when it comes to calculating risk. This is evident when you see the irrational fear of airplanes. You're more likely to die driving to the airport than you are from a plane crash. You're more likely to die from the poor health choices you make during lockdown than the virus itself.
I travel quite a bit. It lends perspective. Here in rural Tennessee, we did the two weeks to flatten the curve plan. Then we largely went on with our lives. People in Tennessee have a knack for common sense and a healthy distrust of the government.
The internet gives us a front row seat to the insanity of the world.
In Tennessee, life is already normal. Kids go to school. Parents go to work. People drink beer at the bar, eat food at restaurants and watch kids at school Christmas concerts. Most people don't even wear a mask. All the while, Florida takes all the blame. We're grateful. Truly.
While the world gets tunnel vision with Coronavirus, they ignore the other problems facing people every day.
77 million children have spent 18 months out of class. These kids will struggle to catch up with their peers. This is uncharted territory.
In California, they talk about double masking. Closed the schools, bars and anything the government deemed non-essential. Governor Newsom issued stay at home orders. People are fleeing the state is such high numbers that California lost a seat in congress.
Cornell shuts down campus despite a 100% vaccination rate. Their tuition is $59,282.
Australia returned to being a prison colony.
The Metaverse Has Arrived
Many people willingly locked themselves in their homes for years. Thanks to the internet, curbside pickup and modern technology, the Metaverse is already here.
You work at home. Groceries are dropped off in your trunk. You drink together on Zoom. And you relentlessly peruse social media for dopamine and information. The TV tells you the case numbers and comforts you for staying inside and "trusting the science."
I saw this before. After 9/11, people became shut ins. They were glued to their TV screens watching smoldering buildings, news reporters, and politicians. Everyone was trying to make sense of it all. Everyone had a reason why the landmark nearest to them was the next target. Narcissism and fear make good bedfellows.
But 9/11 wasn't long lasting. I went back to normal life that day. I remember finishing the school day and going to football practice on September 11th.
However, much of the security theater remained. TSA, the NDAA and the surveillance state all remained. We will see a repeat with the CDC guidelines.
That's the beauty of Covid. It affects everyone. It's the most equitable and unbiased threat our elite leaders have ever come up with. It's brilliant. Terrorism was truly terrifying if you're in New York City. In Cedar Falls, Iowa it's a spectator sport.
Covid got everyone off the bench and into the game. Covid is invisible. It's from China so it's exotic. Everyone can be fearful of it! I remember watching the red dots spread on the map. It took awhile, but it eventually made it's way to Tennessee. Now every conversation is always two lines away from Covid.
The Narrative is Shifting
Joe Rogan is waking people up. No one has all the answers but people are realizing that they've been lied to. Yeah, Covid is real. And if you're over 65 or 300 pounds, you should be worried. Or if you have other health concerns.
This really could be a massive wake up call for America. We have let ourselves get unhealthy, sick and vulnerable. This was the opportunity everyone needed to get back in shape. But instead we shut down the gyms and added margaritas to the drive thru.
If you're not athletic and healthy, your opinion on health is irrelevant. And nearly every health minister or politician talking about health is a fat slob. The best health advice I ever got about Covid came from Twitter health coaches and personal trainers:
Go outside. Get Vitamin D. Take zinc, magnesium and Vitamin C. Exercise. Drink water. And eat a better diet.
This is exactly what El Salvador is recommending now. Better late than never.
The masses clamored for a shot that required zero effort or money on their part. And it came with free donuts. The people hiding behind a mask don't want to go back to normal life. Most of them don't want to work. They want to sit at home, watch Netflix, eat fried food and drink too much.
They don't want to confront the reality that they've become unhealthy. They could change. They could make lifestyle improvements. They'd be happier for it. But they don't want to. It's much easier to put on a mask to virtue signal, get a handful of shots and judge the others. People are getting 4 shots now? WTF to that.
The narrative is shifting though. Now they're admitting that masks don't work. But.... people are going to keep wearing them. In fact, I'll bet some people will wear a mask for the rest of their lives. They've been conditioned.
They're also admitting that the tests are inaccurate. The social distancing was arbitrary and ineffective. Oh, and the science of 14 day quarantines, 10 days and now 5 days apparently has no basis in science. It's a matter of "what people would be able to tolerate."
Mass Formation Psychosis
The world is living under a mass formation psychosis. It's truly awe inspiring to witness the changes in every day life that people will tolerate. All you have to do is start saying no, put your foot down, and ignore the madness. This is a war of attrition. And there are battlegrounds all over the world.
If you continue to let these mandates continue, you'll lose more freedom every day. If you start saying no, ignoring the illegal mandates and live your life, they'll fade away. Australia and Canada, you two really have your work cut out for you.
Ultimately, you have to start thinking critically. You have to stand up for yourself. And you absolutely must start taking your health seriously. Wearing a mask won't prevent you from developing diabetes. Social distancing isn't going to prevent a heart attack. And all the pious virtue signaling won't make me care about your opinion.
It's time to get back to normal. Find a way to give your kids an education. Move if you have to! Get back to work. Find a side job or side hustle if you have to. Look for ways to exercise. You don't need a gym to work out!
Pfizer made $62 billion over the last couple years. Politicians are power hungry. And the dying mainstream media is struggling for ratings. And hospitals are financially incentivized to report both Covid cases and Covid deaths. Most of the people, companies and forces want to impose a new normal on you.
It's gone on for way too long. It's time to get back to normal.
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