On Hardship
Why do we make our lives so easy? Humanity has never had it so easy.
If you really want to, you can go all day without experiencing hardship. You can wake up on your soft satin sheets at a time of your choosing. Enjoy the convenience of air conditioning. Take a hot shower. Walk into your car which is also air conditioned.
Hardship has Become Optional
You drive while listening to music and complain about traffic. This is the hardest part of your travels. Your ancestors had to fight off bandits and find animals to hunt. Failure meant starvation. You're mad that you can't get up to the actual speed limit, while cruising comfortably in your ergonomic seat.
Nearly all men today will put forth great effort to avoid experiencing hardship. Most modern inventions are designed to make life easier, not better.
Day by day, people are edging closer to the infantile portrayal of humanity in Wall-E.
This is an old pic but it rings true today. It's painful for strong men to see.
Going to the gym is not a checkbox to mark off. It's a place to train, to build yourself into a stronger person. This pic takes away the spirit of what gyms were designed for. In fact, you don't even need to go to the gym, to "hit the gym."
My favorite workouts are when I'm out on a beautiful trail, sprinting up hills. Carrying buckets of rocks. Jogging through nature is always better than going nowhere on a treadmill.
We don't need these modern conveniences as much as we need the hardship that's robbed from us.
This isn't about cold showers. This is about the idea of the cold shower. Embracing hardship. But too many tryhards took this great idea from Wim Hom literally. They didn't go deeper.
Why do you need your AC set to 72 degrees every day. Is it really that much of a struggle to type on your laptop at 75. I've seen teen girls post selfies on 85 degree days but you can't finish your TPS report at 74?
This is one thing I love about Jeep Culture. They embrace the outdoors. Rather that seeking a perfectly tempered climate, they embrace whatever weather comes their way.
There is a great freedom that comes from driving without doors.
Forging Brotherhood Through Hardship
I recently went to an obstacle course race in my Jeep Gladiator. I took the doors and the roof off. And froze my ass off on the drive down. It was a bit chilly that morning, but there's something fulfilling about being one with the elements. I had a sweatshirt and pants on, but the brisk drive definitely woke me up.
Upon arriving, I'm shedding layers as I meet my friends who also drove their jeep topless.
We head to the start of our 4 mile obstacle course race. We are running outside, in the elements on a mountain. Having heat in a car felt antithetical to what we were accomplishing that crisp morning.
We run through miles of trails. We lug sandbags up a steep hill. We carry a bucket of rocks up and down stadium bleachers. And we had a damn fine time doing it all.
Struggling through a challenge together builds brotherhood. There's a reason I've become so close with my friends that I train with. We have experienced common struggles with these races.
This is what most men are missing in their adult life. This is why most men struggle to make new friends.
Most people work out by going to an air conditioned gym and watching television while riding the elliptical. They go back home when they forget their headphones.
Closing Thoughts
For 3 years, I've been running Obstacle Courses like Spartan Race. I've run 5Ks downtown, trail runs on mountains. The gym is not the best place to train for these types of events.
The best runs are done outside. Best how? Best for you from a health perspective as well as the most enjoyable. When you're outdoors you get to experience the little challenges of uneven terrain. The treadmill and indoor tracks are too manicured. Too refined.
Working out should be rough, unpredictable and challenging. There's nothing challenging about air conditioning.
It's time to embrace the hardship of the outdoors.
It'll make you tougher.
It'll make you healthier.
It'll make you more capable.
By the way, don't tell me how your life is actually hard and that you don't need to make it harder. If you talk like that, you're missing the point.
If this resonates with you, share your routines with me. How do you embrace hardship?
The handbook for young men everywhere who are lost and need direction and guidance in life.
It is never too late to change your life. What can you do today to improve yourself?
This book will
- Help you create your life mission
- Understand red flags in women
- Develop healthy habits
- Gain self-confidence
- Become a more interesting man
- Live a life of excellence
Challenge yourself by reading this book and implement its advice into your own life. I have 20 steps here for the modern man to make meaningful changes to his life as well as details about how to take these steps and put them into action.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
Society needs warriors to step up.
This is the Private Telegram Channel for Motivated Men who Embrace Traditional Masculinity.
You wouldn't go to war by yourself, so why do you attack your life by yourself?
You need a support network of strong and motivated men that can help you.
By forming a tribe of men, a brotherhood, you will be inspired to live up to the standards that these men set forth in their own lives. A rising tide lifts all ships.
These men will keep you strong when life can make you feel weak. These men will serve as a powerful network of references, opportunities and collaborators.
These men will hold you accountable and assure you stay on the right path.
What's Included in the Spartan Tribe?
A newfound brotherhood with access to this exclusive men's club
A complimentary copy of Reclaim Your Manhood
Access to a network of highly motivated men that share tips and advice
A complimentary copy of The Warrior's Mindset
The Premium Path To Manliness Newsletter
Monthly Group Zoom calls
What do we talk about here?
Well, masculinity for starters. Fitness. Money and ideas for making money. Most importantly, this will be a high energy group of people that you can depend on for inspiration, motivation and advice. While most of your friends are complaining about missing their sports or gaming all day, this will be a group for real players in the world. Do not join if you are only going to talk baseball stats or the latest video game.
Discover how you can improve your lifestyle by building a side-income
Become stronger, healthier and more motivated with better routines
Network with like-minded individuals and form your own band of brothers
Deprogram yourself from feminized society and embrace your masculinity
Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.