10 Things Masculine Men Don't Do
Masculinity has become a controversial subject lately. Unfortunately, this means lots of young men are searching for a better path. This list gives you the guidance you need to become a high value man.
1. Don't Eat Soy Food
This has become a meme but trust the science. Food high in soy is wrecking your endocrine system. Soy and soy based products have been shown to lower testosterone levels. Also, BPA which is found in plastics. Get yourself a metal water bottle and refill it with filtered water. You don’t need to spend $1,79 at the gas stations for water.
2. Don't Follow Instagram "Models"
Do you suffer from porn addiction? Looking to quit? One of the most common triggers is the constant barrage of asscheeks and cleavage found on Instagram. Unfollow them. Masculine men don't lust after pixels of girls that other dudes are banging.
Unfollow these girls. Even if they’re a “fitness model” or “Jeep girl.” Its a shame because even innocent tags on social media have been perverted by these thots. No place is safe. Even trail running, gym tags and cars are full of these “models.”
3. Don't Get Out of Shape
There's nothing masculine about a Dad Bod. If you have kids, you have a responsibility to set the right example. This means being healthy, energetic and capable. You should be able to carry your kid in an emergency. You should be able to play with them. You should be able to set a strong example of fitness for them. Or else, they may claim they’re overweight because of “genetics.”
There's nothing masculine about a Dad Bod.
4. Don't Rant About Politics
Too many men are distracted from their purpose. Falling for the outrage of the week. This politician said this. They're coming for your guns. This country you can't find on the map hates you It's mostly noise. Don't let it pull you from your mission.
5. Don't Whine About Your Problems
Some people are energy vampires. Always complaining. Woe is me. Remember "Acta non verba?" Adopt the stoic mantra into your life. Use actions to deal with the problems that you can control. Deal with the rest later. Men solve problems. They don’t come up with excuses to cover up laziness.
6. Don't Drown In Self-Pity
Bad things happen in life. What matters is how you pick yourself up afterwards. Masculine men are resilient, even anti-fragile. Treat it like a challenge and find a way to overcome. The strongest men in life find a way to overcome adversity. And if you do overcome your challenges, you’ll feel more confident and capable in the future.
7. Don't Beg a Woman to Go Out
Either its a hell yes, or its a no. Don't double text girls who don't respond. Quit with the “good morning texts” if you're not dating. Don't wait months to ask her out. Make you move immediately. Even if she’s not interested, at least you’ll know right away. Then you can move on with your life. Adopt the abundance mindset.
8. Don't Split the Bill
The amount of men today whining about paying for dates is astonishing. Men are meant to be providers. There are exceptions of course. But on early dates, the man is supposed to pay the bill. Be a provider. You want a trad wife? Pay the bill.
9. Don't Waste Time on Childish Hobbies
Playing video games… Collecting toys… Comic books… All these things are fine in moderation. But don’t complain that you can't stay in shape, can't find time to date your wife or meet a nice girl. If you don't have the life you want, reevaluate your priorities.
10. Stop Being so Damn Indecisive!
Women want men of action. Women want men to lead. You don't have to be right all the time. But you need to call the shots. If your gf/wife/waifu is asking you whats for dinner, she wants you to make a decision. This may mean planning date night. Don’t be afraid to take charge.
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