How To Deal With Self Criticism as a Writer
“Say whatever you want, research it properly, and write fast. Never look back. If you interrupt the writing of fast narrative with too much introspection and self-criticism you will be lucky if you write 500 words a day and you will be disgusted with them into the bargain.”
- Ian Flemming
We've all had days where we wanted to write, but we find ourselves disgusted with our words. Doubting even your good work is called "Imposter syndrome."
This is something I've struggled with as well. Especially since gaining an audience online. After writing over 100 articles and gaining 70,000 twitter followers, I hold my content to a higher standard. Which means more quality and less quantity.
I am constantly writing, even if I'm not always hitting publish. And that's a shame.
The solution to this problem is to simply write. As Flemming states, you need to write it out and write fast.
You can either be a creative writer or a harsh critic, but don't do both at the same time or nothing will get done.
Lately what has helped me write more consistently is to write in Evernote, or in a notebook. This helps me enjoy the act of writing without worrying about public judgment. And when I'm finished, I can decide if it's worthy of hitting publish. Even if it's not, the act of writing is good practice and can generate interesting ideas.
So which is best? Evernote or a physical notebook? Both have their own unique advantages.
Sean Connery talking to James Bond creator Ian Flemming
Evernote has the advantage of being easier to save. Even if you forget about it, you can easily search through your digital "notes" on Evernote. Whereas the writings in a notebook have the tendency to get lost among the rest of your notes.
The notebook leads to more creative and free form writing. This can be sloppy but also more interesting. It's the least refined form of writing. But this raw form leads to more soulful thoughts.
Most of my editing takes place after I've written my first draft, and often on a different day. The first step is to simply get the message you want to convey on paper. After that, you can criticize your own work. You can't edit a blank page.
Writing for Authenticity
The biggest problem with "aspiring writers" is the lack of authenticity. Most writers don't write for themselves. Instead, they obsess over writing what their audience wants to hear. The biggest struggle all writers face is balancing writing what the audience wants to hear with what they need to hear.
This problem is exacerbated by social media. The subtle nudging of analytics, likes, clicks and negative comments can shift your intended message into a message crafted by committee. This robs your writing of it's soul and it's punch.
Taken to extremes, this leads to basic platitude accounts. These soulless accounts no longer write from the heart. They merely repeat tired old platitudes that resonate with the algorithm. I'll bet they have Live, Love, Laugh stenciled onto their living room wall.
At first they share what they want to say. But as the dopamine kicks in, the algorithm rewards them for writing "popular content." Which happens to be platitudes. These are fine... in moderation. Some writers let the platitudes consume them like the symbiote from Venom.
How do you write authentically when the masses, the algorithms and even your own laziness are encouraging this lazy form of writing?
You need to find your own voice. And you need to speak from your own voice.
This means finding a source of content that will inspire deeper and more meaningful thoughts. I keep a running list of sources for my own personal inspiration.
Too many people copy what others are doing, often on twitter, and this leads to many faceless Twitter accounts and authors sounding like everybody else. This is the problem with writing anonymously online. If you can't find a way to make your voice unique, you blend in with the other faceless writers.
To stand out, you need to develop your own unique voice, living an interesting life and consistently deliver the best content.
The best content is always inspired by real life actions. Hemingway says you must be an observer. When you go out in the world, be present. Notice the little things that most people think of as window dressing. This background noise might strike up inspiration for a new idea.
Next, you must apply your own spin to what you observe. Anyone can make obvious observations. How will you add your own unique voice to what you see. Find a way to make it interesting, relatable or funny and you'll entertain your reader.
And if all else fails, go spear fishing, have a couple of pink gins and see what type of story that will create.
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