10 Ways For Men to Improve Their Life
“You must build up your life action by action, and be content if each one achieves its goal as far as possible - and no one can keep you from this. But there will be some external obstacle!
Perhaps, but no obstacle to acting with justice, self-control, and wisdom. But what if some other area of my action is thwarted? Well, gladly accept the obstacle for what it is and shift your attention to what is given, and another action will immediately take its place, one that better fits the life you are building.”
- Marcus Aurelius
1. Take a daily stroll. A brisk walk improves your mind-body connection, enhances creativity, produces clarity of thought, and helps torch body fat. It also is a great opportunity to get outside and boost your mood with some Vitamin D.
2. Collect thoughts, ideas, advice, and wisdom in a commonplace book to reference when you need clarity on a challenge in your life. This "book" could be anything from a moleskin notebook to a digital book, like Evernote. Which coincidentally is where I'm writing this piece.
3. Unplug from the mainstream corporate media machine. A news addiction makes you believe the world is worse than it is in reality. You feel like you must stay informed. This is simply not true. And most of the news is simply propaganda or events that you'd never hear about if not for the ease of transmitting information in the modern era.
The news, the media and all the noise that the masses obsess over is not important. It's wasting your time and your energy. You'd be much more productive and happy if you spent that time learning skills, listening to insightful podcasts or spending time with your loved ones.
4. Consult the greatest historical minds through a personal book collection. Aim for books that have withstood the test of time. There is a wealth of wisdom captured through the ages. The next time you think about scrolling mindlessly on your phone, pick up a copy of Nietzsche or Seneca.
5. When in doubt, simplify. Success and joy are often a game of subtraction, not addition. Don't be afraid to cut something or somebody out of your life.
Most of the clutter in our life is distracting us from what we truly care about. When you reduce the clutter, you're left with what truly brings you joy. This removes clutter from your mental load too as you have less to chose from.
6. Each choice is a battle between mediocrity and excellence. The wisest decisions are often the emotionally difficult ones, the ones you do not want to make.
Every one of us makes bad choices. You know it. I know it. If you want a better life, you need to start making the right choice more often. This often means postponing joy in the present so that you can have what you want in the long run.
7. Assert yourself within any given situation. You are a man, act like one, and penetrate the world with your presence.
Most people simply let life happen to them. There's no intention. No purpose. They're winging everything in their life. And these people end up working for someone else, because if you asked them what they want, they wouldn't know.
Women despise this indecisiveness. Be bold. Be confident. Even if that means making the wrong decision at times. At least you took a shot.
8. Block the Instathots. They are the equivalent of candy for your masculinity. It tastes sweet in the short term but damages you in the long run.
Pornography and even the "soft pornography" of Tik Tok, Instagram and OnlyFans is robbing you of your masculinity, your honor and your self respect. Work on making yourself into a man worthy of the real life version of these women. And forget about the electronic THOTs.
9. Cultivate a winning attitude, especially during work you don't enjoy. It says a lot about your character and will handsomely pay off in the future.
Do the work, so that play feels earned. You don't have the life you want because you haven't earned it yet.
You want the fast sports car? Build a second revenue stream to pay for it.
You want a girlfriends? Get yourself in shape and quit staring at a screen every weekend.
You want to get in shape? Fix your diet and work out consistently. DM me. I can help you with all of this.
10. Write down what you want, become obsessed with it, hustle for it, and watch the Universe move mountains to make it a reality.
Remember how I said that life simply happens to most people? This is because they don't live intentionally. They don't know what they want. They don't even think about how to live the life they want.
Take the time to do some deep soul searching. Find yourself. Years ago, I spent a lot of time journaling and this was the key to finding myself. This led to the creation of Path To Manliness. It was the catalyst that led to me losing 30 pounds in a year, running a marathon and multiple Spartan Races and becoming a published author.
Figure out what type of life you want and reverse engineer the daily life that will create a better life.
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The handbook for young men everywhere who are lost and need direction and guidance in life.
It is never too late to change your life. What can you do today to improve yourself?
This book will
- Help you create your life mission
- Understand red flags in women
- Develop healthy habits
- Gain self-confidence
- Become a more interesting man
- Live a life of excellence
Challenge yourself by reading this book and implement its advice into your own life. I have 20 steps here for the modern man to make meaningful changes to his life as well as details about how to take these steps and put them into action.
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This is the Private Telegram Channel for Motivated Men who Embrace Traditional Masculinity.
You wouldn't go to war by yourself, so why do you attack your life by yourself?
You need a support network of strong and motivated men that can help you.
By forming a tribe of men, a brotherhood, you will be inspired to live up to the standards that these men set forth in their own lives. A rising tide lifts all ships.
These men will keep you strong when life can make you feel weak. These men will serve as a powerful network of references, opportunities and collaborators.
These men will hold you accountable and assure you stay on the right path.
What's Included in the Spartan Tribe?
A newfound brotherhood with access to this exclusive men's club
A complimentary copy of Reclaim Your Manhood
Access to a network of highly motivated men that share tips and advice
A complimentary copy of The Warrior's Mindset
The Premium Path To Manliness Newsletter
Monthly Group Zoom calls
What do we talk about here?
Well, masculinity for starters. Fitness. Money and ideas for making money. Most importantly, this will be a high energy group of people that you can depend on for inspiration, motivation and advice. While most of your friends are complaining about missing their sports or gaming all day, this will be a group for real players in the world. Do not join if you are only going to talk baseball stats or the latest video game.
Discover how you can improve your lifestyle by building a side-income
Become stronger, healthier and more motivated with better routines
Network with like-minded individuals and form your own band of brothers
Deprogram yourself from feminized society and embrace your masculinity
Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.