Starting a New Paleo Diet
I’ve lost ten pounds in just two weeks since starting my paleo diet. I no longer have acid reflux and my mood feels better. After just a few days of eating natural foods, I no longer miss the junk food I once ate. This diet will make you question the way you think about food. We are in the middle of an obesity epidemic and a testosterone crisis. Could the Paleo Diet be the solution to both of these problems?
Bison meatballs, asparagus and zucchini
What is Paleo?
Short answer: it is a diet that your stegosaurus riding ancestors would eat. It’s natural foods or whole foods. The paleo diet consists of healthy fats, meats, fish, veggies, fruit and nuts. Oddly enough beans don’t make the cut.
You’ll need to cut out grains (especially gluten), beans, dairy or processed food. Also avoid refined sugars such as bread, pasta, soda or anything with added sugar. And as you do your grocery shopping, you’ll be stunned how much food this includes. You’ll almost entirely be avoiding the aisles of the grocery store.
And beer isn’t paleo, but red wine is. And most will consider vodka, gin and tequila paleo. I feel like Samantha on Sex and the City because lately I’ve only been drinking vodka water limes. Movies and sports commercials may portray beer as a manly endeavor but it’s killing your testosterone. You’d be better cutting it out or at least limiting your consumption.
What are the Benefits of Paleo?
You’ll feel healthier. The average western diet includes an insane amount of sugar. This is causing diabetes, heart disease and fatassitis. (Look it up!)
The food industry sneaks sugar into all sorts of food that you might not suspect. Bread, chips, beans and nearly everything you find in the aisles of a grocery store. Start checking the labels!
Without so much caffeine and alcohol consumption, you’ll find more stable energy levels. And since the food you’re eating is providing real energy, you’ll find better energy levels.
Since starting this diet, I’ve also noticed better sleep. A big part of this is likely due to drinking less alcohol but no doubt the healthier diet plays a role.
Significant weight loss. Nearly everyone who sticks to a paleo diet loses weight. I’ve lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks with a combination of the paleo diet and regular exercise.
The food you eat affects your mood and mindset. I’ve noticed my mood has improved on this diet.
This can improve your immune functions as well. By eating whole foods that are higher in nutrients, your body can better take care of itself.
Stuffed peppers with asparagus, onion and sweet peppers on a bed or rise. Rice is okay in moderation, especially if you’re an athlete
Increase Your Testosterone with the Paleo Diet
We are in the middle of a testosterone crisis right now. Much of this is due of our diet. Processed foods are full of polyunsaturated fats and trans fats, which are known for lowering testosterone production. These include vegetable oils, soybean oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil. All of which are commonly found in cheap food and processed food. Go look in your pantry and you’ll be shocked how much of these testosterone lowering foods you’ve been eating.
You can replace cooking oil such as canola and crisco with avocado oil, coconut oil and olive oil. Yes, these are going to be more expensive, but overall this diet doesn’t have to be that expensive. You’ll be saving money by avoiding beers and high priced processed food that you binge on. And more importantly, you’ll be raising your testosterone levels, improving your mood and living a healthier life.
How to Live a Paleo Life
These are the real foods you can start eating:
Meat and poultry
Fish and seafood
Spices and herbs
Healthy fats
This salsa will put some hair on your chest!
Paleo Recipes!
You may not be the best cook, but any guy can make this salsa recipe in about 10 minutes. Chop up some onion, tomatoes and jalapenos. Throw them all in a container. Throw on some Tony Chachere’s Original Creole Seasoning. And mix it all up. Just make sure you find some paleo friendly tortilla chips.
Even if you don’t go 100% paleo, simply replacing bad pieces of your diet with healthier alternatives can make a profound difference.
Cut out unhealthy additives, sugar and seed oils. These are all inflammatory and this is bad for your testosterone levels.
For instance, the first thing I did after starting this paleo diet was to make homemade, paleo barbecue sauce. It’s a big part of my diet, but the store bought bbq sauce is loaded with sugar. If you want to make your own, check out this recipe:
24 Ounces Strained Tomatoes
2 Tablespoons of Butter or Ghee
7 Ounces of Tomato Paste
1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
2 - 3 Tablespoons of Honey
1/3 Cup Coconut Aminos
1 Tablespoon of Garlic Powder
1 Tablespoon of Onion Powder
1 Tablespoon of Chili Powder or Habanero Powder (if you want a kick!)
1 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Pepper (a little goes a long way)
Liquid Smoke
Simply melt the butter in a sauce pan. Then turn the heat to low and mix in the rest of ingredients. Keep stirring as you add ingredients. Then you can store it in an old BBQ sauce container. I put most of it back in the Strained Tomatoes container since it’s large and fits in the fridge without taking up much room.
I’m nearly halfway through my 30-day Paleo Diet challenge, and will be following up on this article when I finish to share my results. But if you’d like further reading on eating a whole food and natural diet that will help you raise your testosterone and lower your weight, check out Primal Eating by Chris Neander.
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