How to Improve Your Sex Life
Are you frustrated by all the bad relationship advice you’ve been given? Women will give you tips that may work for them but aren’t battle tested. Never take relationship advice from women. They’ll tell you to be a nice guy because women can get laid by simply being nice to men. Read on if you want to learn how to improve your sex life.
You’ve been conditioned by years of social programming to believe women want a sensitive, civilized, and chivalrous man. If you’ve tried this approach, you’re frustrated with your lack of results. Women want a man who’s dangerous and interesting. A man who is confident enough in himself to lead her.
She doesn’t want a man who’s so insecure that he often asks, “Is something wrong?” She doesn’t want a man who says “What do you want to do?” She wants a strong confident man who is worthy of following.
Tired of Getting Ignored by Women?
Whether you are the married man with a dead bedroom or a bachelor who often gets ignored by women when using typical dating or red pill advice, you need to read on.
First off, what is the Red Pill? Though often lumped in with dating advice, it’s an analogy from the 1999 film, The Matrix, for swallowing harsh truths. This goes beyond dating advice, but for this article that’s what we are going to focus on.
You don’t get sex from your wife for the same reason you can’t seem to make more money. You’re allergic to struggle. Modern life is devoid of struggle and hardship. Some think this is cause for celebration. Wrong. It is in times of struggle that you grow stronger. Soft times create soft men.
If you constantly find yourself taking the easy road and watching porn, you’re sending a reward signal to your brain. Whenever you get turned down by a real girl, you have a “Morpheus Moment.” In the Matrix, Morpheus offers Neo a choice, take the hard to swallow red pill or take the blue pill and go back to living in a dreamworld with less struggle.
Do you approach another girl and hit the gym? Or do you boot up your favorite porn site and hit the couch?
If you keep making the same decision, how will your life look at the end of the year? If you struggle with porn addiction, make sure to check out Own Your Shit, as it mentions why porn is holding you back.
The ancient warrior was forced to deal with struggle. Today it’s way too convenient to reach for that phone in your pocket and scroll for some instant dopamine. This is the modern struggle.
You want to be high energy and high testosterone, yet how much time and energy do you waste in a dark room playing video games? This is valuable time that could be spent at the gym. I adopt the James Bond doctrine here. Bond would choose the girl, but always after completing his mission. The mission comes first.
Too many of you favor playing games over working for real world results. Is this a life you can be proud of? If not, then why do you keep making the same bad decisions? These seemingly small decisions build up into big long term effects such as turning girls away from you.
How Covert Contracts Prevent You From Getting Laid
Whether your married, in a relationship or picking up girls with game, many frustrated men are creating their own problems. Picture this. You start seeing this girl and you’re all excited about her. The two of you have gone on 3 dates now and you’ve invested a significant amount of time and money into her and these fun and exciting dates. But she doesn’t put out on the third date.
Now some of you are wondering why should she? Others are frustrated that no fireworks happened. Well, when you spend too much time reading blogs about game and pickup, you begin to make unfair expectations of the real world. There are no hard and fast rules with dating or when to expect sex. And its unfair to expect this of your girl. Do you think she reads these same blogs? Do you expect her to follow Red Pill dating tips on Reddit just because you do?
Many men expect to get laid by their wife for simply doing the dishes. This is one of the strangest disconnects that I’ve seen lately. Not only is the connection wrong, it’s likely hurting your chances. Your wife will be glad she doesn’t have to do the dishes, but she’d be much more excited if she saw you pumping iron or getting a promotion at work. If you think household chores lead to sex, then you’ve been brainwashed by feminized media.
In Own Your Shit, Alexander points out that these covert contacts are not limited to dating. Helping a friend move out and expecting pizza and beer? Then ask him to buy you pizza and beer for helping out. Men don’t just assume other men will know your thoughts. That’s basic bitch behavior. Oh! and there are even covert contracts you make with yourself, and yes, this is preventing you from getting laid.
These covert contracts, or expectations are unrealistic. They lead to frustration and disappointment. Every woman is different. You can’t expect a hard and fast rule to lead you to the promised land. Most women will think that you did these things because you enjoy spending time together. Ulterior motives are usually lost on women, at best, or seen as deceitful, at worst. You’ll have much better luck by being open and honest about your wants. You can find out more ways to attract women into your life in Own Your Shit.
Change Your Body and Change Your Life
“The body and the mind are heavily intertwined. A man cannot fix one without fixing the other.”
- The Conqueror
Alexander has gone from an average looking guy to strong and lean by devoting time and energy to the gym. Alexander and I have this in common. If you’ve never experienced this type of transition let me explain how this literally changes your life.
When you’re in better shape, people are drawn to you. Women find you more attractive. Men are interested in how you were able to drop the fat and pack on the muscle. People find you to be more interesting because you are unique. This even can help in your professional life as a person who’s in peak physical shape is capable of great dedication and persistent work ethic.
No one likes the “Dad Bod” of a soft belly. This is social programming and you fall for it because it’s convenient for your lazy ass. You’re not happy with your belly and neither is your woman. Trust me.
Attraction is all about producing the healthiest genes for your offspring. Red pill: women want tall, strong and good-looking men. And you can’t make yourself taller, but you can become better looking and stronger by getting in shape. But let’s say you don’t care what women think of you. Alexander lists other benefits of getting jacked:
“It is healthy, gets your heart pumping, starts your metabolism
It corrects your posture, especially if you do face-pulls
It makes your bones denser and stronger, it makes you harder to kill
It might even relieve some pain in the muscles or nerves due to sitting all day
It increases mental clarity, I always have the best ideas while lifting!
It gives you a ton of confidence, especially if you break another personal record”
Own Your Shit is a bit abrasive, it has harsh language and it might bring up some uncomfortable problems you’d like to ignore. But if you listen to the advice Alexander gives and implement it into your life, you can be proud of the man you become. Own Your Shit!
Own Your Shit!
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Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.