10 Ways For a Man To Improve His Life
The world does not want you to become a high value man.
Author: Ryan Felman
Writer, Spartan Racer, Self-Improvement Coach
By becoming strong, confident and capable, you become independent. And independent people are harder to control.
Becoming a high value man has never been easier. The average person is content to be mediocre. Most men today are addicted to porn, video games, processed food and alcohol. But you are better than this. You want more out of life. These ten habits will help you to live life to the fullest.
1. Take a daily stroll. A brisk walk improves your mind-body connection, enhances creativity, produces clarity of thought, and helps torch body fat. I aim for 10,000 steps a day and daily walks help reach this goal. I also run which can get you there in about half the time.
2. Collect thoughts, ideas, advice, and wisdom in a commonplace book to reference when you need clarity on a challenge in your life. Consult this book for timeless guidance and insights into the challenges you face in your daily life.
3. Unplug from the mainstream corporate media machine. A news addiction makes you believe the world is worse than in reality. We are not supposed to know about every single thing that happens across the world. Focus on your local community and what you can control.
4. Consult the greatest historical minds through a personal book collection. Aim for books that have withstood the test of time. Most people only read tweets and headlines. Go deeper by accessing timeless books for a greater breadth of knowledge.
5. When in doubt, simplify. Success and joy are often a game of subtraction, not addition. Don't be afraid to cut something or somebody out of your life. We have never had access to more material goods, but this is not necessarily making your life better.
6. Choose greatness with your daily actions! Each choice is a battle between mediocrity and excellence. The wisest decisions are often the emotionally difficult ones, the ones you do not want to make. Choosing the right daily actions produces small results each day. These add up to big results over months and years when done consistently.
7. Assert yourself within any given situation. You are a man, act like one, and penetrate the world with your presence. You need to stop the self-deprecating humor immediately. This tears you down subconsciously. You can become more confident and these 12 tips will help you become a more confident man.
8. Block the models on Instagram. They are the equivalent of candy for your masculinity. It tastes sweet in the short term but damages you in the long run. And they don’t care that you exist, so why do you care about them? On Instagram, you can click the three dots in the upper right hand corner, then hit “not interested.” This will teach the algorithm to stop sending these types of images your way.
9. Cultivate a winning attitude, especially during work you don't enjoy. It says a lot about your character and will handsomely pay off in the future. You know people who are optimistic even during mundane tasks. These people are likeable, fun and enjoyable to be around. It won’t happen overnight, but you too can become this person.
10. Write down what you want, become obsessed with it, hustle for it, and watch the Universe move mountains to make it a reality. Your mind is cluttered because you don’t take the time to write down your thoughts, ideas and frustrations. Start small, but start! Once you begin to write as a regular habit, you’ll wish you started sooner!
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