The Rise of Private Group Chats
The real intellectual dark web consists of various private group chats online. You may not even know that these group chats exist, but it is here where real world changes are conceived, plotted and implemented. Like Sam Adams and Benjamin Franklin sowing the seeds of America, these digital speakeasies are the birthplace of the ideas of the future.
Where Are These Private Group Chats?
Everywhere. Twitter has been my main source of finding them, and I’m currently in 6 on Twitter alone. And I’ve left another half dozen. But you can find these chats on Facebook, Telegram, Slack and surely more. The explosion of Silicon Valley has created a plethora of communication apps. Although many of these apps are redundant, this does mean you should be able to find one that suits you.
How Can You Benefit from These Private Group Chats?
Private group chats are the perfect place to get trusted feedback on ideas and projects you are working on. Or if you need skills that you don’t have, your network will surely have them or at least know someone who does. And with the rise of cancel culture, people speak more freely and openly in these private chats.
You’ll find your group will share interesting articles, insightful tweets or posts and funny memes. It’s a great way to stay in the loop without devoting so much time to the mindless scroll of the typical social media timeline. And they’ll often share something that you would not have found through your own personal reality tunnel (echo chamber). With the rise of social media algorithms, this is a great counterbalance to the echo chambers that 99% of us are stuck in.
These secret group chats can provide a general sense of community. Something that is deeply missing for most in modern society. There has been a systematic destruction of American society over the last fifty years, especially towards men. Society does not want men to congregate together. Why? Because there is power in numbers and men seek to enact change when they form alliances. This is upsetting to the current world order, so it’s discouraged. Your network is your best advantage over newcomers and rivals.
Not least of all, these networks can be a great source of brotherhood or comradery. Here you can ruminate about random thoughts in a relatively safe space. You can banter with one another. In a lot of ways, these group chats really are like speakeasies. They are a digital replacement for the neighborhood bar.
How Do You Get into These Private Group Chats?
You can start your own, but we’ll get to that later. If you become a person who shows value, you can get invited to these groups. You’ll need to interact with people in your niche first. And you’ll need to build your own following. And if you use Twitter, I have the perfect guide to ensure you gain followers and use your twitter account efficiently.
If you really like a message that someone is sharing, reach out and let them know. This can be the first step towards establishing a new relationship. People will do the same to me all the time. Some days they say a quick word of encouragement and move on. This helps you stand out among the silent spectators. This can happen to you too.
This will also happen organically once you establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise. If you are in fitness, you want to be known as the fitness guy. If you are trading bitcoin, you want to be known as the bitcoin guy. Establish authority by demonstrating expertise. Share your knowledge of the matter with your tweets, emails and blog posts. Give away the what. Charge for the how.
How Can You Start Your Own Private Group Chat?
The best way for you to start your own private group chat is to look for people who share your mindset and goals. For example, if you are starting a new blog and don’t have much experience, look for other people who are in the same situation as you. Reach out to them via Direct Message on Twitter, or whatever, and ask if they’d like to join a group where they can share ideas.
But if you’re brand new to blogging and barely have a twitter following, don’t expect the established veterans to take you in. You have to work your way up. In fact, your writing on your blog and on Twitter can be a great asset in attracting people to you. Besides, the more veteran people’s problems won’t be as relatable as the other people who are just starting out. Imagine taking an Advanced Calculus class before you’ve taken basic algebra. You’d be out of your depths.
Whatever you do, do NOT under any circumstances start a group chat by just randomly adding people into a group chat. You need their permission first. You need a discussion before that. And first, you need an established relationship. Skip these steps and you’re only going to hurt your chances for future interaction and possibly get blocked.
Find others who are dealing with the same problems and you’ll be able to work through them together. This gives you a massive advantage! You will be able to bounce ideas off one another. You will be able to work together on group projects or guest post for one another. Build each other up. A rising tide lifts all ships.
Improve Your Twitter Presence to Attract Better Connections
There are two types of people on Twitter, and social media in general. You have the typical consumers who spend most, if not all, of their time consuming like locusts. These are the people that get stuck in the mindless scroll.
Then there are who will engage with other people. They’ll read a tweet or article, process it, and then share their own thoughts. These people are the ones who get the most out of social media. And the next logical step after interacting on the timeline, is to take it to the DM, or direct message. Here you can be more open and honest. In the world of DMs, big moves are taking place.
Now if you want to really stand out on Twitter, I put together a guide, The Path to Twitter Dominance, that is chockful of useful information. Hundreds of people have bought this guide and seen significant growth. By taking these insider tips, they’ve gained hundreds, even thousands of followers, made great connections and even made money by tweeting.
Also, my friend who I met through Twitter, LifeMathMoney has an amazing guide, The Art of Twitter, that can help you learn what you are doing wrong with your account, how you can grow and even how to automate your very own Twitter bots (without any coding) to make passive income. And yes, I’ll earn commission because this is an affiliate link. These books will teach you how you too can earn money with affiliate marketing.
I feel comfortable endorsing both of these Twitter Growth Guides as they are very complementary. We each have a unique approach and touch on different topics, so the two guides work well together. Pick either one to start with and if you’d like to know more, then check out the other.
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Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.