Reclaim Your Manhood PDF
The Resurrection of the American Dream
Modern life involves journalists from failing institutions harassing men for having a political opinion openly stated on national television. College degrees are worthless or near worthless as student debt rises, while trades are lucrative, cheap to get, and looked down on by snobby city folk who favor going 6 figures into debt before entering the real world. And then they’ll whine about student debt being unfair after they’re given their education. Young people have grown frustrated with the status quo.
I’m one of these millennials that everyone bitches about claiming we are all lazy and I think we invented cancer when we mined all those bitcoin mountains.
Print is dead, so it’s a good thing I decided to throw my hat in the ring as a writer. Maybe I’m one of the authentic writers though. I don’t write for the money, but to maintain my sanity. Even though the more I write, the more I begin to question my sanity, but in the days of reality TV show Presidents and social decay, to accept the modern world as it is, is to truly be insane.
The American dream is dead, but why then does it appear to be easier than ever for many to make their dreams possible? Young people leverage the power of the internet to create their own blogs, websites, businesses and um… “modeling careers.” The old world is dying as the boomers retire on the money stolen from generations before and after them, yet they still struggle to save. It can be difficult to survive on 6 figure incomes when your house is as big as your ego and your god is materialism.
Everything today is a bit too fantastical for my liking. I’m young but I feel older with each passing day. The world has been given a cartoonish filter as if we are playing Fortnight on LSD. Nothing feels real and everything is evanescent. The bottom feeders troll through digital pasts to drag down those who climb too high as if we are crabs in the bucket. This loser mentality is the only way for many to win the game, or at least to lose less. The winners sneak by but now live in fear. #MeToo and divorce threaten to undermine those who have done everything they were supposed to do.
My moment of clarity was when I was dragged through a broken family court system and forced to pay a quarter of a million dollars to a deadbeat opiate addict to ensure the safety of my son. I got my son, so the old people tell me that the system works. They don’t mind the tremendous expense and toll on my personal health that this entailed.
I don’t second guess them on this, because they are puppets who won’t give my young mind the time of day. They know better since they’re old. That is why, despite all my adversities, I still have significantly more money saved than the average boomer who worked decades longer than me. That is the key right there, isn’t it? The system does work, but it doesn’t work for you. The system is capitalism and it will outsource jobs to socialism if that means stealing money from a productive writer / whateverthehelliam to give to a drug addict. Now why would capitalism do this?
Because the market always wins, and capitalism knows that the money flows much quicker when taken from the highly intelligent but fiscally conservative and given to the junkie who is addicted to every quick fix known to man.
I hold no regrets nor ill will towards my ex despite the wrongdoings as it did cause me to reevaluate my own life. Since the split I created my own website, where I am a voice for frustrated young men in a system that depends on them while simultaneously bashing them. I tweet random thoughts of inspiration and satirical commentary to keep myself sane while providing a resource to an increasingly alienated segment of the population.
The older generation doesn’t recognize the death of the old world, but I see it everywhere around me. The circus over the Supreme Court hearing was evidence enough for most, but there is so much more destroying the American empire.
The lack of proper education and perhaps intentional destruction from Bill Gates to further his own personal agenda where he will surely make back double what he has invested through his common core scheme. The destruction of the food system to its very core. Most food is so heavily polluted with chemicals and estrogens that few men in the city can help but succumb to becoming these numales or soy boys that shout “The Future is Female” while still not getting laid. The obesity epidemic leaves few males capable of leaving much of an impact on the real world, so they retreat to their own safe spaces of drive thru windows, video games and porn. They are of little concern to those in power.
This country grows so divisive that the government is hardly relevant anymore. Men and women don’t trust each other as name calling, false rape and divorce destroys the gender dynamics that led to a fruitful population. Not to mention the death and destruction wrought by endocrine disrupters and planned parenthood. If you aren’t upset, you aren’t paying attention. There is a very active war out there to combat overpopulation and it is working like a charm. Well, except when it’s not and if you look at where we are heading, it certainly paints a picture.
The American dream is dying, but Americans don’t lay down easy. The youth of America see the challenges and adversities that lay ahead, and for some, it only inspires them to become greater men. Only a small percentage of people are the true movers and shakers that shape the destiny of an empire and they may already be laying the foundation through ideas and words. Upon the creation of America, only three percent of the population fought against the British Empire. You see, I chose to become a writer because I recognize the inherent power in words, and with the rise of the internet, even Presidents can be memed into office.
I recognize the frustration and despair in many young men today and I merely offer a voice of reason and traditional values to remind them that they are not alone.
If this resonates with you, read on and take the words I offer you as advice to ensuring that your life is on the right path. Do not sleep through this life as so many people do. Take these 20 steps and implement them into your life and watch yourself reclaim your manhood.
1. Hit the Gym
Take control of your own life and make something of yourself. Get your ass in shape and build up your confidence. Buy the fast sports car. Write that book. Start your website. Don’t let anyone hold you back with their self-doubt and disbelief. That is why they are average.
To pursue the life of excellence, is to reject the world of mediocre. The world of comfort and entertainment. The entertainment industry doesn’t want you to push yourself. They prefer their customers to be overweight and unfulfilled. They want you to fall into a life of mediocrity as you’ll be more susceptible to their advertising.
As our lives grow more comfortable, the competition seems to be getting thinner. Figuratively, not literally. I see a lot of sad and lazy people. People who are overweight, underdressed and lacking a likeable personality. This may describe you.
If you find your girl slowly losing interest in you and touching you less, hit the gym. Getting back in shape is a surefire way to rekindle the flame. Watch your girl swoon and caress your bigger muscles.
Keeping yourself physically fit affects other people’s immediate perception of you, your self-esteem, and your capabilities. Do not underestimate!
Do you ever think about going home to visit childhood friends or the girl who got away?
When you go home, will you be the guy that they joke about because he let himself go and got fat, or will you be the guy that they stare at in lust or envy. This may be your motivation at the gym. Or you may simply be training yourself to be harder to kill. Imagine that one day, someone is going to kill you, or try to. Now imagine that he’s not coming for one year. How would you spend your time during that year? Adopt the warrior’s mindset for your own path to manliness.
Personally, I hit the gym about 3 times a week and I do a solid 45 minutes of weights with a quick cardio warmup and cooldown. For cardio, I’ll alternate between jogging, sprints, biking or rowing. Now I may have only gone to the Harvard of the Midwest, which is the University of Illinois, but I do know that rowing is one hell of a good workout. Those fancy rich boys out east seem to stay in great shape by rowing crew.
Any of these exercises are adequate for getting the heartrate up. When lifting, I rarely use machines but opt for free weights because they help strengthen your stabilizer muscles. Machines are for isolation which has its purpose too. I see the machines as more beneficial for superficial muscle growth where as old fashion iron will give you real world practical strength.
As I’ve progressed farther on my path, I’ve taken to enjoy running a bit more. Believe it or not, this can happen to you too. It will take time, practice and perhaps some weight loss, but you can get there. I honestly look forward to my runs now. It is a time where I can meditate and focus on new ideas. I tend to find a local trail in the woods or run on a nearby college campus. Both offer their own scenery and unique energy that help you to focus on improving yourself.
Bottom line: If you are not in athletic shape, then that should be goal number 1 for you. Put down the potato chips and stop drinking so much beer. If you can’t be disciplined enough to stay in shape, what makes you think that you will be disciplined in other areas of your life?
Adopt the warrior mindset and set out to conquer your life!
2. Dress Well
Lose the jerseys with other dude's names on them and toss out the sandals and crocs. Stick to timeless pieces that fit well. Follow Tanner Guzy and WellBuiltStyle on Twitter for professional advice.
For amateur advice, I’ll throw my hat in the ring now. Feel free to skip ahead to the next chapter as there are better voices on this than myself. Let no one say that I’m not reasonable.
If you go out dressed like a slob every chance you get, you have no idea how much you are holding yourself back in life. Now I almost never wear a suit or tie, but I always look good when I step out the door. You never know who you will meet, whether it’s the love of your life or the guy who will offer you an exciting business opportunity. Conversely, if you have holes in your shirt and stains on your cargo shorts, well, opportunity may pass you up because you look like a crazy homeless guy.
I once had a guy from Edward Jones offer me a job while we were waiting for beers at a bar in Chicago. I was wearing jeans and a button down, but it fit well, and it was a good solid look. Don’t overthink this one. Few people take the effort to look nice, and fewer still find clothes that fit their bodies. Fit is what makes you look like a man dressed to impress versus looking like a boy dressing up in his father’s clothes.
What got me the job offer was my words in our conversation, but we likely wouldn’t have talked much if I was wearing a snapback and an oversized football jersey.
I wasted too much time in my youth struggling to learn fashion when I should have focused merely on style. For fashion is temporary but style is timeless. Stick with timeless pieces and your wallet will thank you. If you want to have fun and get a velvet sport coat, go for it, but I recommend getting the staple pieces first and working from there.
Staple pieces? Well if you don’t know what those are, think James Bond. Even in the older movies he tends to still look presentable by today’s standards. Solid color button downs with a suit will look classy long after you are dead. For more casual affairs, go with well-fitting khakis or dark jeans, dress boots and a button down. Polos are tough to pull off unless you are in great shape. I tend to save those for soccer games and golf. Roll up the sleeves on your button down if it’s a bit warm. This will also give you a nice rugged look. This is especially true, if you followed the advice from chapter one!
Simple pieces that fit and are made of decent quality will always beat out the average guy at the bar, baseball field or in the bitcoin mines.
3. Be Assertive
Stand up straight. Look people in the eye. Speak confidently and slowly. Make your words meaningful and people will listen. If you can do these very simple things, you will stand out in a sea of awkward, uncomfortable men.
Young men are learning to keep their head low at school but retreat away from interaction. This is a sad cost of a school system that rewards feminized behavior. The assault on masculinity is systemic. This is but one piece of it.
Women love assertive men, not assholes. Most young guys get this conflated. How do you be assertive? A lot of it has to do with language. Stop using weak phrases such as: I just, I don’t know, What do you wanna do? I’m not sure and Where do you wanna go. Women are looking for answers. Why else would they ask you a question? Be decisive and have a plan in place if you want to impress her. Even if you don’t know, show confidence and tell her that it’s a surprise while you quietly work out the details in your head.
As for work, well…. Which guy are you going to work with? The quiet and unsure guy who fears making mistakes, or the man who boldly takes action and provides actionable advice. Which one of these men describes me? Now I know I can make mistakes, but I’ve found life is much better when you work on fixing those mistakes than despairing over why you didn’t act at all.
In baseball it is always better to go down swinging than to take a pitch and hope you get a walk. Bold men make bold moves. Men of action take control of their own destiny rather than hoping for change.
This is what separates the men from the boys. A man knows how to hold a conversation with friend and stranger alike. A man knows how to take action rather than be subject to the actions of those around him.
All twenty of these points build on each other as well. It may be difficult to be confident and assertive out in public when you are 50 pounds overweight. Yet as you hit the gym and take up running, you can begin to shed those pounds. As you do this, get ready to watch your confidence rise with your health.
Men don’t need to hide away from the world. On the contrary, as men don’t seek the validation of others if they recognize that they are doing what they feel is right. At the end of the day, what truly matters is that you, as a man, can look at that man in the mirror with pride.
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The handbook for young men everywhere who are lost and need direction and guidance in life.
It is never too late to change your life. What can you do today to improve yourself?
This book will
- Help you create your life mission
- Understand red flags in women
- Develop healthy habits
- Gain self-confidence
- Become a more interesting man
- Live a life of excellence
Challenge yourself by reading this book and implement its advice into your own life. I have 20 steps here for the modern man to make meaningful changes to his life as well as details about how to take these steps and put them into action.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
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Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.