How to Be Productive Working at Home (From a 5-Year Veteran)
Working at home can be healthier, more productive and even more fun that working in a stuffy office. Why? You no longer must raise your blood pressure while fighting through your commute. You won’t be distracted by all the canned conversations from your less productive coworkers. And you are free to listen to music, podcasts or even Netflix. If you want to know how I’ve been productively working at home for half a decade, read on.
First off, if you’re curious how productive I’ve actually been, you can see how often I write for this website by clicking here for the site archive. Also in that time, I’ve written two books and started my own business. For many, working at home will be the future. Learn how to leverage your time to become a productivity God!
1. You Need Background Noise
You’ll be amazed at how unsettling it can be when you are left to a quiet workspace. Create some ambient noise to put yourself at ease. I often will listen to the Joe Rogan Experience while working out. Then as I get to work, I’ll either switch to CNBC or continue listening to the podcast. If I’m writing, I might play some ambient music or video game soundtracks. Video game soundtracks are great for improving your focus and they are usually instrumental.
Lifehack: If you’re an extrovert and struggling with the quiet and empty working space, try listening to upbeat music or playing comedies on Netflix. The background noise helps you feel less isolated.
2. You Need to Develop a Routine
You may find working at home to be a strange experience. Without someone watching you, it can be tempting to slack off, but that will only hurt you. Working at home is like being Spiderman: You have great power and great responsibility. Create a schedule for your ideal day. Write down what you do on your most productive days and stick to that schedule. Be sure to allow for some breaks to stay fresh. I recommend working 45-50 minutes, and then taking a 10-15 minute break.
In the movie I Am Legend, Will Smith develops a routine to keep him focused. You need to do the same to prevent yourself from going stir crazy or being sucked into all your distractions.
3. Limit Distractions
Working at home is great because you get the autonomy to make your own decisions. But that means you need to hold yourself accountable. I mentioned putting Netflix on earlier. If you can’t work while your favorite show is on, then you may have to avoid it all together. My advice is to put on movies or shows that you’ve seen plenty of times. That way you won’t be so distracted from your work that you can’t focus.
Lifehack: If you have a propensity for playing games on your phone, set time limits on these games. Iphone lets you limit “games” or specific apps under Settings, then Screen Time.
4. Get the Most Out of your Breaks
If the weather is decent, take advantage of it on your breaks. Go walk outside. Take your dog out and toss the ball with him. Or just sit on your front porch and enjoy the weather. This will make you more productive when you get back to work. And the sun exposure will boost your mood from the vitamin D you soak up.
5. Set Firm Boundaries with Your Family
This can be difficult if you have little ones running around your house. Make sure they understand that when Daddy is working, he needs to be alone so he can focus. Feel free to spend a few minutes with them on your breaks though. And if you can get away, eat lunch with them. Working at home is all about that balance between work and life. When done right it can be a much more fulfilling day.
6. No Dress Code Doesn’t Mean You Look Like a Bum
I’m a bad example of this as I tend to work in my gym clothes, but I still will dress respectably. I recommend wearing a comfy sweater and jeans or a nicer pair of running pants. Don’t get too lazy about this. You don’t want to be wearing shirts with holes and stains all over them. Dressing nice signals to your brain that you’re entering work mode.
7. Work at the Local Coffee Shop
This can be a great way to meet other people who work at home. And if you spend too much time at home, you’ll begin missing the social connections. Picture this like the adult version of going to the library. Sure you could study/work at home, but aren’t you more productive when you get away from all the distractions and enter a place where others are also studying/working?
Coronavirus update: Maybe avoid this tip until everything calms down. Be smart and avoid unnecessary contact.
8. Freshen Up Your Workspace with a Plant
A plant can help recycle stale air in your workspace. And I get it; this is Path to Manliness. So, if you’re a man like me, you may struggle keeping plants alive. Try and give your plant a drink every time your refill your drink. Or get a cactus. They seem a bit more resilient and look great on your desk.
9. Call Your Coworkers / Friends / Customers
Keep in touch with everyone be taking a few minutes to touch base. This will help you stay informed of what your team is dealing with. And perhaps more importantly, this will keep that human element that you’re used to having in your daily life.
This is especially important as people are quarantining for Coronavirus. Some of these people aren’t used to the shock of being stuck inside. They’re struggling with cabin fever, possibly low supplies/food/medicine. And they simply miss the human contact that they’re accustomed to. Reach out and be there for your loved ones.
10. Use Zoom for Meetings
Zoom is an excellent video conferencing service. You can get multiple people online in the same meeting. The picture will automatically focus on whoever is currently speaking. Just be sure to mute yourself before that violent sneeze or your entire office will be laughing at you! If you have coworkers who can’t make the meeting, you even have the option to record the meeting and share it with them. And its free if the meeting is under an hour.
There’s also Slack which can be great for communication with your team.
Working at home may seem jarring at first, but it definitely has its benefits. Use these tips that I’ve implemented into my daily life and you’ll find yourself being even more productive that you were at the office.
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