We've Become a Nation of Spectators
How long are you going to watch from the sidelines, envious of other people’s success? I look around and see people obsessed with social media influencers, reality TV, porn and video game streamers. Today, we prefer to watch someone else live their lives than to put in the work towards our own lives. We compare our uncut lives to everyone else’s highlight reels. Just because you don’t see people post their failures, don’t for one second think that they never fail. The path to success is full of failures. Myself included
The mindless scroll has captivated millions. And it is the loudest, most shocking and decadent that gets the most eyeballs. I even see Pornhub regularly posting on twitter and they have way more followers than anyone would ever expect. Hide your shame people!
Maybe I am becoming a cranky old man or maybe I just remember how much better we used to be. I know people are going to shout that I'm looking back with rose colored glasses, and they have a point. In many ways, things are better today than ever before, but I'm not going to talk about the tolerance of weed or gay marriage. My focus is on how the average person is spending their day. And most of these people spend their lives as spectators.
The Life of the Voyeur
The amount of lazy and uninterested people who would rather watch someone else play video games, than game themselves is disturbing. Gaming on its own is hardly anything to be proud of. A little bit here and there is fine, but many people allow themselves to get outright consumed by it. There are so many better ways for people to spend their time, but that time gets awfully short if you grow accustomed to sitting on the couch with the PS4 controller.
Then there is the porn epidemic which seems to grow more mainstream by the day. The amount of money some of these modern-day prostitutes are making online is astounding. These camgirls have made decent careers out of our nation of spectators. Despite porn being free, many men are willing to fork over hard earned cash in tips and gifts to pixels on a screen. This is the hard-wiring inside the male mind that desperately seeks to be a provider. When these men can’t find a woman to take care of, these camgirls fill that void and give their hollow lives a sense of meaning.
If this struck a nerve with you, I want you to understand there are better ways to live. You will be much more fulfilled with a real life girlfriend than with a faux e-relationship. If you’d like to know more about how you can get better at approaching women, check out this post.
Many are comfortable living their lives as a voyeur. There’s less stress and less anxiety - but this is an unfulfilling life. You can get off the bench and start playing this game of life. Quit letting the fear of failure hold you back from a better life. Failure is merely a pit stop on the road to success. Get comfortable experiencing little failures and take these moments as life lessons.
Part of me is flat out impressed at how these girls sell young Peter Pans into giving up their hard-earned money. But mostly I am disgusted in what society is becoming. The women have no shame and never gained more marketable skills, and the men are even worse for supporting it. By giving these InstaHoes money, attention and likes, it is tacit acceptance of this behavior.
One of the problems with women today is the lack of men offering negative feedback and the plethora of men offering positive feedback. This allows young women to do whatever they feel like because their are plenty of thirsty dudes who encourage bad behavior. This is the stuff that topples empires, and maybe America is an empire in decline.
Nation in Decline
We certainly are acting like it. No sense of national cohesiveness. Our culture seems to involve twerking, binge drinking and watching celebrities poison the minds of our youth. Where are the days of honor, self-respect and industriousness? We once sought demure and respectful women. Now men reward girls who show off the most skin under the thinly veiled guise of yoga, fitness or being a guns rights activist. You guys are letting these liberated girls get away with crazy shit that didn’t fly ten years ago. You think commenting weakass shit on a girl’s Instagram page will get you laid? It looks pathetic and these girls are laughing at you. Quit endorsing slutty “models.”
This country can still be great, but it will take a lot of hard work and good long looks in the mirror. Americans are in need of serious soul searching, and I was no exception. All of western civilization needs to reevaluate their lives. I have spent many days looking deep within myself to see what defines me. To realize how I've changed and what no longer serves me. I have made tremendous leaps in my own personal battle this year involving: running a Spartan Race and writing my first book.
You can start today by stopping the endless cycle of mindless consumption. You feel unfulfilled because you aren’t creating value. You’re paralyzed by over-analyzing. You don’t have to have the perfect 10 year plan figured out to get started. So before you obsess over details like how to form an LLC or how to build the perfect click funnel, start with the basics. Start small. Start writing. I can teach you how here. From that you can grow to blogging or affiliate marketing or starting your own business.
If you want to know more, go check out Reclaim Your Manhood, the guide for the young men who wants to better himself. This book is the collection of lessons that I wish I had learned when I was younger. I felt lost through out much of my twenties and these were the hard lessons that I learned over many years.
And if you enjoy my writing, follow me here on twitter so you don’t miss a post. Thank you all for reading and have an awesome day!
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Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.