The 21 Best Quotes by Marcus Aurelius
Men who don’t live by their own philosophy are susceptible to living under the philosophy of another man. A man should spend time creating a personal philosophy that works for his own individual needs, but if you haven’t done that yet, this Marcus Aurelius is a great source of inspiration.
Marcus Aurelius has been described as one of the few true philosopher-kings in history. He was one of Rome’s greatest emperors according to Roman historians.
A few years ago, I felt lost and found myself searching for answers. The way I had been living my life suddenly felt hollow and meaningless. Watching football every weekend, playing video games into the middle of the night and binging on junk food and beer had slowly begun to lose its appeal. I wanted to focus on living a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life but I didn’t even know how to start.
At another’s suggestion, I had taken up journaling and found it helped me clear my head and better understand my daily thoughts and ideas. Marcus Aurelius also adopted this habit and in “The Meditations” the timeliness and brilliant thoughts and ideas of this great stoic philosopher live on.
To understand the brilliant wisdom of this great Roman Emperor, check out these 21 quotes by Marcus Aurelius.
The 21 Best Quotes by Marcus Aurelius
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” - Marcus Aurelius
"If you focus on the task at hand, shed all distractions, and follow reason with steadfast determination, the divine spark within you will burst into flame." - Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
"Rest is for recharging, not for indulgence. Take only what is sufficient for your health and vitality. Too much rest - like too much food or drink - defeats its purpose, weakening the body and dulling the spirit." - Marcus Aurelius
“Be the stone cliff against which the waves constantly break, standing firm against the fury of the sea. Storms befall everyone; but not everyone can stand firm against them.” - Marcus Aurelius
"Suppose someone despises me. That's their concern, not mine. My concern is to live in harmony with nature and reason, so that my actions won't be worthy of contempt." - Marcus Aurelius
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” - Marcus Aurelius
"Your principles can't be extinguished unless you snuff out the thoughts that feed them, for it's continually in your power to reignite new ones.... It's possible to start living again! See things anew as you once did - that is how to restart life!" - Marcus Aurelius
"Does gold change to lead under pressure? Does an emerald turn from luminous green to dingy brown when it's insulted? Of course not. Neither can a virtuous person be sullied by stress or slander." - Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
"Retreat into your inner sanctuary. Here, away from strain and distraction, you are free to observe the world and your reactions objectively." - Marcus Aurelius
"As you improve your mind and disposition, your surroundings become more interesting, beautiful, and inspiring - no matter where you are." - Marcus Aurelius
"When others try to hurt you, they hurt themselves. When they cheat or steal from you, they impoverish their own character. Leave wicked deeds where they happen. Don't pick them up and carry them forward in the form of resentments." - Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
"Look at those who strive for fame. It's as if they're competing to gather the largest pile of sand; tomorrow, the wind comes and blows it all away." - Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
"All that you've done before, or failed to do, is of no account. The past is dead and gone. Why carry yesterday's regrets on your back? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Live now according to your principles." - Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
"I often wonder how it is that most people value their own lives above others, yet value other's opinions of them over their own self-opinions." - Marcus Aurelius
"The more you learn about nature and the universe, the more you learn about yourself. For without knowing where you are, you can't know who you are, or the role you have to play." - Marcus Aurelius
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius
"What makes for a worthy goal? Not to chase things that are popularly considered good, like pleasures and fame, but to live according to your nature, following reason and benefiting society." - Marcus Aurelius
"If you expect an ignorant person to act like a knowledgeable one, that's your mistake." - Marcus Aurelius
"No matter how good a life you lead, you won't please everyone. Someone will be glad to see you go." - Marcus Aurelius
“Don’t waste the rest of your life worrying about what others think and do. Direct your thoughts to a useful end. When you dissipate your mental energy on things you can’t control, you lose the opportunity to accomplish something yourself.” - Marcus Aurelius
"A mind ruled by reason - deliberate, objective, and just, free from prejudice and delusion, unswayed by temptation - is a fortress. Take refuge within its walls and you'll be safe and free." - Marcus Aurelius
If you enjoyed these quotes, go follow @PathToManliness on Twitter where I talk about stoicism, masculinity and general self-improvement tips.
And if you’re ready to start the life-changing habit of journaling, check out this guide that modern stoic, Paul Domenick and I have put together. In it you’ll find over 100 journal prompts and templates to get you started on your new journey. Say goodbye to writer’s block!
Journaling can help you decrease anxiety, stress and discover how to better handle your anger.
Journaling will boost your happiness, productivity and help you organize your thoughts.
Click here if you’re ready to live your life purposefully, crush your obstacles and achieve a new level of peace and happiness with the power of journaling.
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Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.