Reclaim Your Manhood Will Change Your Life
Look at the contrast between these two messages. This young man (let’s call him Jake) went from being upset about breaking up with his girlfriend to being motivated, dedicated to his mission and helping people both online and offline. This is the result of implementing Reclaim Your Manhood into actions.
Break ups are tough on men, especially when the girl moves on immediately after dumping you. It can make you feel replaceable and expendable. You have this person who becomes a big part of your life. You talk to her. You spend time doing all these fun things together. You create these great memories. Then poof! They’re all just that. A memory, but now it’s a painful one.
You’ll find that the songs that used to warm your heart now pain you to listen to. Delete these from your playlists. Movies that you watched together are painful reminders of her. Get rid of these, or at least hide them away from plain sight for a while.
How You Can Deal with a Breakup
This is a tough time, but it’s also the perfect time to throw yourself into a new hobby. The time to lean on your friends for laughter, support and most importantly, distraction. The last thing you want to be doing is locking yourself in a room and letting yourself get consumed by your feelings of sadness and loss. Its ok to feel, no matter what people will try and tell you about being a man.
If you have a lot of feelings of sadness, anger and frustration, you need to learn how to deal with them in a healthy manner. This is part of becoming a man. Grab a pen and notebook and start writing down your thoughts and emotions. This can help get them off your chest and out of your mind. And there’s nothing wrong with burning these notes after you’ve bled all over the paper. It’s more about the process than the results.
Get yourself into the gym. This has a natural mood boosting effect to counteract the sadness of losing her. It also will help you look better which will aid you in moving on. You’ll look better. You’ll feel better. You’ll be better. All of this is part of a healthy way for you to move on with your life.
Break ups suck. And they are never going to get easier, but the first one is the hardest. I’ve seen perfectly attractive and interesting young guys get down and defeated over a girl. What they don’t realize is that there are so many more girls out there for them. And there are so many more interesting things in life to focus on, especially at such a young age. Never let anyone tell you that you need to settle down so young.
How Did This Young Man Change His Life?
· He replaced his flatscreen with a record player
· He started listening to self-improvement podcasts
· He started the habit of journaling
· He got a library card and read free books like 12 Rules For Life
· He read my book, Reclaim Your Manhood
As a high school student, he’s shared with me some frustrating comments that explain the current climate in the American education system. One teacher stood up in front of a class of young, impressionable minds and proclaimed, “Women are actually superior to men in most ways. It’s scientifically proven.”
A lot of women, especially older women, hate men because of how other men treated them. Hurt people hurt people. Rather than getting angry at people who spout off mean nonsense, you should pity them and focus on how you can improve yourself and the world. Rather than make excuses, Jake started making real world moves and that is how he avoided the trap of the bitter black pill of nihilism and bettered his situation in such a short time.
While teachers are spouting off dubious scientific facts, men are preaching their own message online, in books and on social media. And Jake passed off his copy of Reclaim Your Manhood to one of his friends who needed to here its powerful message. Young men are frustrated with the status quos. They are frustrated with the advice that traditional sources share. Path To Manliness is a different approach. More honest. With real actionable advice meant to help young frustrated men like Jake.
Finding a Better Path
For a young man who’s been hurt, it can be very easy to become jaded, resentful and angry. This could easily become your path if you let your anger get the best of you. There are plenty of people online who will offer feel good rhetoric that allows you to displace the blame from yourself onto some scapegoat. They rather focus on what is wrong with everyone than help you fix your own situation.
This is an easy sale, and they will pitch their sales to you. High priced dating pick-up artist guides. Expensive counseling or coaching with questionable results. Beware of the many grifters. If you really want to see results, your best bet is to focus on your own self-improvement. This is a tougher path to follow that blaming outside forces, but if you stick with it, you will find yourself healthier and happier.
By utilizing all he learned in Reclaim You Manhood, @OptimizeLifeRn, has created his very own motivational website and Twitter account. If your Twitter feed needs more positive energy and tips to make your life better, then give this young man a follow. Judging by his willingness to act, I expect big things in his future.
If you’re ready to make big changes to your life, pick up a copy of Reclaim Your Manhood today and see what kind of big changes you can see with yourself. This is the handbook that I wish I had when I was younger. Inside you’ll find real actionable advice that will help you stay healthy, make better choices and replace your vices with habits that will enrich your life.
The handbook for young men everywhere who are lost and need direction and guidance in life.
It is never too late to change your life. What can you do today to improve yourself?
This book will
- Help you create your life mission
- Understand red flags in women
- Develop healthy habits
- Gain self-confidence
- Become a more interesting man
- Live a life of excellence
Challenge yourself by reading this book and implement its advice into your own life. I have 20 steps here for the modern man to make meaningful changes to his life as well as details about how to take these steps and put them into action.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
If you want to forge your own tribe, learn how to get noticed by big accounts with The Path to Twitter Dominance.
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Fix your profile (most of you do this wrong)
Understand how to get noticed in the DMs
Why you need to start an email list
How you can hook new followers with your pinned tweet
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Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.