Love Being a Fool
This is Guest Post written by Alexander Reich, or Self Conquering on Twitter
If you’re on the PathToManliness blog, chances are, you want to change yourself. Weird how I figured that out, right? You want to be a better man. Because society lied to you all your life, you learned how reality really looks like through multiple channels, and now you set sail to be a fucking man! Quite literally.
And then you go out, and act manly. Alpha! You demand respect and that people listen to you. But instead they laugh. “That guy thinks he is the shit? Haha”
Or stuff like that.
Why does it not work?
I did what Rollo Tomassi said in the book!
They should love my Alphaness!
Well, my friend, you’re ACTING.
I hate actors. Well, not all of them, but most of them. Be it recent events like Michelle Williams promoting it’s fine to abort your kid if it makes your Golden Globe possible, or them lecturing people about climate change while they jump in their Lambo.
But actors aren’t just Hollywood stars. They are everywhere. Everybody you meet - occasionally, sometimes always - puts on an act. They act according to what society demands from them. Men act to be sensible and supportive of women’s rights, even though a little voice in their head tells them it’s wrong. And women act to be strong and independent, even though a little voice in their head tells them it’s wrong.
Until it is internalized.
Which is what happened to you. And me in the past.
I had the blue pill treatment for 30 years. From me growing up without a father, to mostly being around women, but never IN women, I was trained to be sensible with them. Open with my feelings, caring, and understanding. That would make me a great husband. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I wish I found someone like you, you’re such a catch.”
Well, bitch! Why aren’t you on your knees already then?
But I couldn’t say it. Because I internalized the sensible blue-pilled Nice Guy. I suppressed those feelings popping up. The images in my head how she would do all kinds of kinky things right there in this moment when she said that stupid line.
That was my soul.
Eagerly screaming at me to get it. To understand where the fuck I got lost. Why none of this works at all, why I am in the friendzone for the fifthteenth time.
But that voice. That screaming soul of mine couldn’t compete against the walls of social conditioning. They were like the walls of Troy. Just too high and too heavily guarded to overcome. Until one day, be it luck, destiny, or god, the real truths found their way through the Trojan walls with a huge wooden horse.
Reverse internalization
And right there is the point where it needs to make “click” in your head. When you go out to become a better person. A better man. To conquer yourself. Be it with women, money, your mind, your life, whatever.
You have to internalize it first.
You have to realize that you will be bad at it first. There isn’t somebody knocking on your door saying, “Alright, you understand reality now, here is your man card. You may now fuck bitches.”
That’s not how it works.
You will have to be a fool first. And you will need to embrace it.
Carl Jung once said, “The fool is the precursor to the savior.”
Now, being a fool is never fun. Lots of people are, but they act like they got it all figured out. Very rarely is someone admitting that he is truly bad at something. You don’t need to go out and tell people you suck at writing. And in classic PathToManliness fashion, you should never do that. As he said, you’re either a writer, or you’re not.
But internalize that the first book, novel, blog post or essay you write will probably be shit.
Read the word again: Internalize. This is inside you. Don’t tell people. Know for yourself.
“But isn’t that acting?”
If you internalize the fact that you will be bad at it at first, but still do it anyway, you’re not acting. You are yourself. You know you’re bad, it’s fine. You’re on the way to getting better.
Acting is, if you think you’re the shit, while internally you’re anxious about it. You radiate that. People pick this up, especially women.
This is a so-called Alpha trait. When you’re dry-humping your girl because she just bent over to pick something up, you know that isn’t top-shelf seduction. But you don’t care, that’s just you, and the best you can pull right now. So it’s authentic! THAT pulls people.
Just do it (™).
The only way to become better at something is through experience. Doing it. You can read 5,000 articles on how to write better. You will only actually get better at writing if you do it. Every day.
You can watch 50 YouTube channels by Pickup Artists on how to seduce women, you will still be a weak loser the first time you do it.
This means, that you will be bad. It’s fine, the Trojan horse just entered the gates, but the fighters aren’t in your army yet.
They are all running around in your head. Banging their heads against the trojan walls, bumping into each other, etc. You will need to structure it first. Structure them. How do you do that? Shout at them. Get them in line.
At first, they won’t listen. But you will get better over time, and when they finally listen and move into their formation, that’s when you finally get to command your army properly and send them out into the real world.
That’s when you finally internalized reality. And yourself. Remember, those Trojan soldiers are really just your former self, or your deeper nature if you will. And you let them run rampant, so they left. You didn’t enforce boundaries.
Remember the origin
Remember where all this came from. By being bad at it!
You were once bad being a blue pilled sensible guy. Every little boy has a sense of Alpha in him. Teasing girls, punching the other boys, destroying things. It was in you. You were bad at being the conditioned drone for society. But you got good at it. How? By being bad first, but sticking with it.
Now, of course this wasn’t voluntarily. But the reverse works exactly the same.
You’ve been bad at commanding your thoughts, at commanding others, at commanding respect, at commanding your soldiers. They didn’t listen at first, but they will. You just need to find the right words that work for you, with them.
You’ve been bad at being a Nice Guy once. Now be bad at being a proper man. Your driving force is your past.
The fact that nothing of this nonsense ever worked to get what you want.
That your needs were never met.
Your wife, girlfriend, or friends might laugh at you at first. But trust me, quite quickly they will turn around and respect you. For the fact that you aren’t a pushover any longer. Men and women alike enjoy such a person. Even if it’s a bit rocky at first.
So now, whenever you want to be good at something, whatever it is. Imagine the Trojan soldiers in your head, or your fingers (if it’s labour work), and how they are a bunch of weirdos, running around.
It’s fine.
Embrace it.
Be bad intentionally.
Shout at them.
Try different methods.
Even if you’re supposedly good at something, be bad intentionally, maybe you discover something new.
It doesn’t matter.
And over time, you will get better. You will conquer them, and yourself.
Experience cannot be overestimated.
Overcome the fear of being bad.
And become a master over time.
If you enjoyed this, then check out Alexander’s website for further reading.
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