America had a Divorce this Week and Silicon Valley has Just Served the Papers
Censorship is society’s lack of confidence in itself.
Last Friday, the President of the United States was banned from nearly all social media platforms. If this can happen to the President, it can happen to you, or to many other people you enjoy following.
I want to preface this article by stating a few things.
I don’t really care about politics, so don’t bother asking me about my political opinions.
If you’re celebrating this censorship because the other guys are getting banned, you’ll be next.
I’m not asking you to agree with my opinions. I’m asking you to respect them.
The fact that the US President has become such a taboo subject is endemic of a society that is too immature to handle adult conversations. If you don’t hate him, they call you a Nazi. If you do hate him, they call you a cuck or libtard. None of this is the so called “healing” that is being promised by the new administration.
“What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.”
― Salman Rushdie
The Coddling of the American Mind
This all could have been stopped at Evergreen college and other colleges across America where mob rule and childish harassment was not only permitted, but actively encouraged. Students used to be taught how to be respectful and how to handle difficult situations. Now they are treated with kiddie gloves. Taught that being triggered is “progressive.”
This leads to a generation of kids never fully maturing. They enter the real world expecting the world to cater to their asinine needs rather than toughening up and handling the inevitable adversity that will come there way. Respecting pronouns? Really? You spent 4 years telling people to punch a nazi and burning down cities. How do you expect people to care about 63 different pronouns when you blindly lash out at 70 million Americans for their voting preference?
Right or wrong choice, their right to choose is an American right. Not just American. This is a core tenet of Western Civilization.
Social Media Interference
It’s the media’s fault really. Social media, the mainstream media and all the echo chambers thereof have convinced both sides that the “other” is the enemy. This is what you want! You liked those videos, posts, and tweets. You told the algorithm that you want more. So now you get to see more radical extremism from the left or the right. Whatever flavor you want. The media will gladly serve you the outrage you desire.
But it’s all nonsense. And now, Silicon Valley is so emboldened, so outraged, so afraid that they have banned the sitting President from pretty much every single platform. And that wasn’t enough. They had to go after 70,000 other “problematic” accounts. America had a divorce this week and Silicon Valley just served the papers.
The Growing Political Divide
Like I said at the start of this article, I really don’t care about politics. I don’t even know who my representatives are. But I know that Tulsi Gabbard has a nice ass because that’s what’s popular on social media these days.
My problem is that since I don’t hate Trump, some of the more extreme people on the left immediately hate me. They just assume I’m an asshole. “Oh, you must be a Trump supporter. You probably are for the kids in cages.” Never mind that that was an Obama era policy. But if you must force my hand, fine. You want me to pick a side? I will, and it’s not yours!
Its not just me either. Both sides of the political spectrum are alienating those in the middle. Most Americans don’t want what the far right or the far left want. They want to feel safe, to be able to work and to raise a family.
Dealing in absolutes hearkens back to the Bush administration after 9/11. Good ole “W” told the world, “You’re either with us…. Or you’re with the terrorists.” And now this terrorist word has been slapped on a bunch of people who marched on the capital. I’m not going to say what they did was right, but it wasn’t terrorism.
This is the problem with this rhetoric. If everything is terrorism, nothing is. If everyone is racist, no one is. This hyperbolic language may make for a good click-bait article, but it makes for unhealthy discourse. It only furthers the political divide.
Most people don’t care about politics, or geopolitical issues in the South China Sea, or about fiscal responsibility like the fact that 22% of all U.S. dollars have been printed in 2020.
This country has a massive problem. Centrists have been alienated by both sides. (No, there won’t be a civil war) The left has gone so far down their path of extremism that many were pushed to Trump in 2016 just because they “Weren’t With Her.” And now many of you won’t want to hear this, but Trump created a massive divide with the Republicans. And now in the post Trump world, the right has an identity crisis.
I desperately try to avoid these talks, but it’s affecting daily life now. Silicon Valley has made it affect me and other creators. I earn part of my money online using Twitter. And because of this massive overreach by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and more techno-giants, I have to rethink my strategy.
The Future of Social Media
Can I trust Twitter after losing 600 followers and counting? Perhaps not. But the writing was on the wall. Alex Jones and Milo Yianappoulis were the test runs. Silicon Valley de-platformed both of them. And like they implemented the same strategy with Donald J. Trump. Banning across multiple platforms within a 24-hour window. This will bring lawsuits. This will bring new competition.
This is why I’m writing more on Telegram. This is why I spent much more time in 2020 growing my Instagram account and my email list. I realized something that other creators will realize in 2021. We don’t need Twitter. There are other ways to send traffic to an offer or website.
“Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.”
― Henry Louis Gates Jr
Censorship is being celebrated by half of America because they're so blinded by hatred. President Trump has been de-platformed. Banned from Twitter, Facebook and even Spotify. Many other conservative accounts were taken down. So were some independent journalists, which should alarm you.
All of this should alarm you. But all is not lost.
Twitter has always had its flaws. And it greatly benefited from Trump over the last four years. Whether from those who love him, or those who hate him, it was all good for engagement. And now they've killed their golden goose. And some people are already struggling to move on to the post Trump era.
The Post Trump Era
This has already led to division. People are accelerating plans to switch to private enclaves, secret groups and alternatives to the traditional social media platforms.
Today, you may feel that your only options are Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. But times will change fast, and this may be the domino that starts the downfall of these social media giants. In fact, I've already found Telegram to be superior to Twitter in so many ways. I highly recommend you check it out.
The pendulum always swings back. And the rampant censorship will have detrimental effects for the giants of social media. Several people were forced off. Others are concerned about losing their account. And every sensible person is upset about this attack on free speech.
I've wanted to speak on this for the past week, but I've largely kept my mouth shut so far. At least, publicly. Reactive takes rarely hold up. So, I've digested this as I've gone on my weekend run and walked through the woods. I've meditated on my stance and an appropriate reaction. The big one being, more time spent on email, this website and telegram. And I expect you'll find other creators will follow suit.
I’ll continue to speak my mind. But you will start to see me do so when I’m in more private channels. And that’s what many people will do. For fear of cancel culture, people will retreat to smaller, better vetted communities. We’ve severed the lines of communication and now any chance of healing is gone.
“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”
― Ray Bradbury
I want to thank you for reading this all the way through. If you're here, you're at the best source for following Path To Manliness content. And as Twitter has shown its hand, I'll be spending less time on the platform. It's strange to grow nearly 50,000 followers and suddenly lose respect for the platform. Oh well. C’est la vie.
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