What is the Warrior's Mindset?
Imagine that one day, someone is going to try to kill you. Now imagine that he’s not coming for one year. How would you spend your time during that year? If this were true, would you live your life differently? Adopt the Warrior’s Mindset for your own path to manliness.
Acre, 1291 A.D. The Templars Last Stand Against the Mamluks
During the Crusades, Al-Ashraf assembled the largest army ever seen at this time to siege the essential port city of Acre. The military center of the Templars. Over 100 siege engines began to assault the city of warriors, women and children.
As the city of Acre lay under siege, many refugees fled by sea. Many more were slaughtered by the Mamluks Here the Crusaders made their stand in a grand battle, as many fell in battle.
The Templar Fortress by the sea was the last stronghold of the Crusaders of Acre. Not only were Warriors making their final stand, but they were defending women and children inside the Fortress. The Templars repelled a general assault by the Mamluks and slayed large numbers.
Thanks to this valiant effort, negotiations take place and the Templars agreed to lay down their arms and surrender, if the women and children were free to go.
But as they left the safety of the Templar Fortress, the Mamluks began arguing over who would take the women and children as slaves. The Templars were furious and immediately drew their swords. They slayed several of the Mamluk attackers.
Dwindling in force, the remaining 30 Templar brothers sealed themselves in the Fortress, allowing more women and children to escape to Cyprus. Al-Ashraf ordered the Mamluk army to destroy the Templar Fortress as he sent in more troops.
As the walls were finally breached, the Templars met the Mamluks in battle Here the walls collapsed burying Templar and Mamluk alike. The Crusaders took down hundreds of invaders in this glorious final stand.
A couple years later, Assassins killed Al-Ashraf Cyprus became a Templar stronghold for centuries Even great warriors lose sometimes
So how can you affect your odds to favor the outcome in this potential battle? How can you make yourself a better warrior? You must adopt the warrior’s mindset.
Train in Martial Arts
Why bother training in a martial art when you can just carry a gun? Because there will always be times when you don’t have your gun on you. The sad fact of reality is that our inalienable right is trampled upon at airports, government building, the entire state of Illinois and several other places. I guess Starbucks says they’re banned but who cares about that place with its sugar-filled soyshakes.
Martial arts is a great piece that is missing in many lives of modern men. Here you can hone your body into that of the warrior. It provides a brotherhood where you can expend your physical energy and meet other likeminded people. It is a great hobby for men and women.
In my experience, these places tend to have people who are focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and live productive lives. If you can maintain an athletic physique, then you are at least capable of being disciplined in other areas of your life. Now some in there will struggle but everyone is at different levels on their own Path to Manliness.
I remember when I first showed up to class. I took Tae Kwon Do as a kid and some Jiu Jitsu in High School, but I was rusty and a bit overweight. I have lost nearly 30 pounds since joining last year. This is due to changes in diet and regular trips to the gym as well, but Martial Arts has been very helpful. Now after about a year, I am stronger, more flexible and better trained to defend myself no matter where I am. If you want to adopt the warrior mindset, this is the single most important way for you to do so.
Look in your gym or online and I’m sure your town will offer some form of martial arts. Find one with a knowledgeable instructor. Check the reviews or attend a couple classes as the quality can vary quite a bit depending on the instructor. Most places let you do a free trial for a couple classes.
Also, if you have kids, this is the perfect way to teach them some self-defense skills, confidence and discipline. Martial Arts teaches form and technique in a fun but challenging manner that requires patience and dedication. And the ranking system will motivate and reward your child for his or her efforts.
I’ve watched multiple kids come in shy and awkward, but the ones who stick with the program truly grow. It’s a sight to behold. They grow more comfortable with social interactions, and they gain confidence as they learn a new skill.
Learn to Handle a Firearm and Legally Carry One
Now most people like to claim that they’ll never need a gun because they don’t live in a dangerous area. Yeah, I don’t either. Yet I had to draw my gun once and almost had to a second time. You never know what type of situation you may be thrust into and it is wise to be prepared.
What type of gun should you get? If you’re new to guns, get yourself a 9mm like a S&W M&P Shield or a Springfield XD. My first gun was a Springfield XDM in 9mm and though it looks big and intimidating, bigger guns handle the recoil better. 9mm is a perfect gun to start practicing with as the recoil is pretty low and the ammo is cheap. You could go get a 22, but that is a tiny bullet that is not going to be effective in a firefight. Although it is perfect for training since the ammo is so cheap. Also get yourself a 12-gauge shotgun by Mossberg or Remington for the home. Every self-reliant man (or woman if you found this site) should have these two types of guns at a minimum.
If you go to a gun range, they’ll help you learn how to safely shoot. I highly recommend you shoot a few guns before making a purchase so you can see what you like. Most of these places are happy to teach gun safety to newcomers and of course they welcome new customers. Or if you have a friend who is into guns, ask him to take you to the range. And once you have your new shiny firearm, be sure to get licensed so that you can carry and protect yourself, and your family.
Keep Yourself in Peak Physical Condition
Now martial arts will help with this, but you’ll want to spend some time in your local gym pumping iron too. There is simply no good argument for why a man should not be strong. Anyone who claims that a man doesn’t need to be strong is selling you propaganda to push a narrative or lying to himself because he is too lazy to work hard. A warrior is always prepared for the task at hand and being the strongest version of yourself is essential.
Personally, I hit the gym about 3 times a week and I do a solid 45 minutes of weights with a quick cardio warmup and cooldown. For cardio, I’ll alternate between jogging, sprints, biking or rowing. Any of these are adequate for getting the heart rate up. When lifting, I rarely use machines. I opt for free weights which will help strengthen your stabilizer muscles. Machines are for isolation which has its purpose too. By the way, I bought this iron gym pull up bar for my home and it has helped me increase my shoulder strength. I used to struggle to do a pullup but now can hammer out several with great form. I even climbed a 25-foot rope for the first time in my life about a year ago.
I also spend at least one day a week with pure cardio. I find a trail or just hit up downtown and go for a run. If you want a great spot, look for nearby college campuses. They tend to be set up to support pedestrian traffic and offer beautiful scenery. I’m talking about the green parks and old buildings you perverts! Plus, the youthful energy is always infectious and helps me hit peak performance.
This means eating right too. You need to stop eating processed junk and high carb diets. This will slow you down and make you struggle in the gym and on your runs. Since eating a more natural diet, I have seen my energy levels and performance spike. I tend to eat a high protein diet, lots of eggs and nuts, and a bunch of veggies. I also eat fruit so whatever you want to call it. It is basically paleo, but without 100% strict adherence to it.
Bottom line: if you are not in athletic shape, then that should be goal number 1 for you. Put down the potato chips and stop drinking so much beer. If you can’t be disciplined enough to stay in shape, what makes you think that you will be disciplined in other areas of your life?
If you’re ready to level up your life, then you’ll be inspired by my upcoming book: The Warrior Mindset. It is my successor to Reclaim Your Manhood and in addition to inspiration, you’ll find remarkable tales of honor, bravery and valor from ancient warriors.
Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.