How You Are Fucking Up Your Life
Look back on the year you've had so far. Are you shocked at how far you've come or disappointed? If you aren't where you want to be, start plotting now on how you can make next year the best year of your life. It is never too late to change your life. What can you do today to improve yourself? Be persistent and militant with this change and you won't recognize yourself in one year's time.
Follow my advice and we will conquer 2019 together.
1. Alcohol
I challenged myself this month, as did @JamesPDowling to go 30 days without alcohol I learned a great deal this month I lost 9 pounds I wake up with more energy I feel much better I have been performing better in gym and Martial Arts Try it: You owe it to yourself. Click here for a video of my thoughts on the experience.
2. Self Doubt / Fear
Is your life out of control? Most are casually drifting through life. Get your ass in shape to build confidence. Start writing to gain control of your thoughts. Ignore doubt as you can break self-imposed limits. Nothing stops a man who is determined. Even I held myself back with doubt and fear. I was afraid of putting myself out there for so long. But then I stopped fearing judgment and failure. I began to fear a life of never putting myself out there. I feared an insignificant life. That lit a fire under my ass.
3. No Schedule / Routine
You want freedom but you lack discipline. It seems contradictory but discipline leads to a life of freedom. Get yourself a list of productive daily habits and stick to them. Start here if you are lost. I also gave out a list of great habits you can use in one of my emails. Click this link so you don't miss out on more great advice to help you improve your life. I survived my quarter life crisis in my twenties, and I can help you get through it too
4. Porn / InstaTHOTS
@JamesPDowling and @charles2reality both do an excellent job on exposing the dangers of fapping and lusting after THOTs. It is sapping you of your energy in your daily life. This makes it harder to be creative, productive and energetic in your work outs. There's a reason why your high school football coach kept telling you to hang out with your girlfriend after the Friday night game.
5. Video Games
They're a massive timesink. Think of gaming like alcoholism. Some can handle it in moderation. Others need to quit the habit entirely. But no one is benefiting from gaming. If you want to game, use it as a reward for a productive day. If you want a better habit, try writing.
Or better yet, start building your own personal brand. Since I started Path to Manliness I spend way less time gaming, because I'm fulfilled. If you are lost, get my guide. Price goes up on release: Feb 23 Attention is the new currency and you need a brand to gain that attention. Fuck bitches. Get money. Your brand is a powerful product. And our corner of Twitter recognizes this. The average person is still clueless. You're ahead of the curve
6. Inactivity
Sitting is the new smoking. It's literally killing you. Every hour, get up and walk around. Skip the email and go have a real life conversation. Wake up and exercise. Get habits that involve activity. This will boost your mood. Do not underestimate.
7. Bad Diet
If you struggle to run or workout... If you struggle to find the energy... If you don't feel great throughout the day... Look into your diet. You likely are poisoning yourself with processed foods and poisons. Go #Paleo. Get real food that your grandpa ate. Now don't go cold turkey on everything. You'll get frustrated and give it all up. Instead give up one thing every 30 days. In February cut out soda. In March cut out ice cream. In April cut out chips. By the end of the year, you'll have a great diet.
8. Toxic Friends
Get rid of toxic losers who obsess over drinking and drugs. They're holding you back. Find friends who share positive hobbies with you such as biking or a sport. Find people who have drive. Online, I follow awesome people who hold each other accountable. @CoachJoe89 inspires me with his car chats @LogoCentrifuge is a furiously unrelenting force @aionmediaco and their members are driven to build a powerful media company based on truth.
You need a group of men. @joserosado has inspired me to be aggressive in selling the products I work hard to create. He recognizes the value in sharing his wisdom with the world and you need to check out his podcast. His guests are incredible! Start with @Nappyb0yy
9. Procrastination
How many great products are you hiding from the world? How many books could you have read if you turned off Netflix? How good would you look naked if you quit playing with your XBOX? How sexy would your girlfriend by if you stopped texting your ex box? Quit fucking yourself by delaying greatness.
Every single day you need to write down a list of tasks to accomplish. Aim for three every day. Use a real notebook and cross them off as you go. When you miss a task, add it to the next day. 3 tasks a day. Even if you only get 2 on some days you will see results. Do this EVERY SINGLE DAY for 6 months and you'll be amazed at your accomplishments.
Path to Manliness is only 7 months old. 5,000 followers. A book Multiple podcast appearances 30 pounds lost. And that book is your guidebook to straightening out your life. If you like my free content, you will love my premium content. The eBook is $5 because everyone needs to read this. No excuses.
10. No Challenges
I used to fantasize about vacations on the beach. Now I long to travel for Spartan races and other feats of willpower. Life is about seeking challenges and seeing what one is made of. This life is too soft and its making you soft. Push yourself. You need to challenge yourself. That is why I went 30 days with no alcohol. Why I went 500 days without gaming. Why I'm running a half marathon in May Why I write every day. If you enjoyed this thread and want to challenge your followers, RT the top tweet
And if you want to be inspired, motivated and to ascend to a better life, pick up this book. It is a force to be reckoned with. Read it and you will stop fucking up your life.
Are You Wandering Through Life Without a Mission?
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Wake up, go to work, scroll through your phone, repeat. Days blur together. Weeks vanish. You know deep down you're capable of more, but you don't know what that "more" even looks like.