Spartan Tribe: An Exclusive Club for Men
Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary!
That chunky guy on the left is me before I created Path To Manliness. And that yoked dude swinging from the monkey bars is me after making some serious life changes!
These two pictures were taken only a year apart. That’s what the right plan and the right mindset will do for you.
I lost 25 pounds
I ran Spartan Races
Knocked out $30,000 in credit card debt
So how did I make such a massive change? One of the most important changes was the people I hung out with.
I used to spend my weekends watching football, drinking beer and eating fried foods. Most of my friends were big drinkers so every weekend they’d ask me if I wanted to hit the bars with them.
Was it fun? Sure. But I was getting fatter every year and my life was not as exciting or fulfilling as I wanted.
Then, I met someone who introduced me to Spartan Races. He asked if I would run one with him. I told him, “I can’t run a Spartan Race.”
He didn’t even blink, “Sure you can! Because we have 6 months to train.”
Now I had a reason to train. Now I had accountability. Now I had a mission.
My new friends starting messaging me on the weekend not to hit the bars, but to go on a runs with them. Simply changing my circle of friends had a profound impact on my life.
But it wasn’t just them. I also began to make a name for myself online. I met other content creators and rather than talk baseball trades or fantasy football, we talked about online businesses, philosophy and self-improvement tips that really worked!
An Exclusive Club For Men
You are the average of your five closest friends. Does that make you uncomfortable?
If your friends are constantly talking about going out for beers, playing video games and eating junk food, they’re going to tempt you to join them.
If your friends are highly motivated men that are hitting the gym, building an online business and networking with other high value men, then they’re going to influence you in a positive way.
Find Your Brotherhood
Become Part of a Brotherhood
One of the biggest problems facing young men is the lack of positive male role models. Men need a tribe of fellow warriors.
Let’s fix this issue together. Join our tribe of elite men on their mission of self-development and realize your inner strength.
Here you can discuss all topics related to masculinity in dedicated channels or simply unwind with your fellow band of brothers.
Gain access to an exclusive forum where men are free to discuss issues facing you and men in general.
Forge a powerful network to reach out for advice, tips or even business contacts.
This is the place to connect with like-minded men who will inspire, challenge and motivate you.
You need to be around like-minded men
Modern life life is lonely. It’s helpful to read blog posts and twitter advice, but it’s still lonely. You want to be around people like you, so you can bounce ideas off others.
Elevate your social circle with The Spartan Tribe. Admit it. You’re not satisfied with your current group of friends. They sit around and talk about nonsense. Sports. TV shows. Video Games. They have no higher aspirations. But YOU do!
You have big plans of starting your own business, or at least earning extra money on the side. You want to get in peak physical condition. You want more out of life and your current friends are doing more to hold you back.
You’ve tried to meet interesting people on social media but its full of trolls, anons and people who waste your time. You need to find an exclusive club of highly motivated and energetic men. Like-minded people who will hold you accountable, inspire you and provide meaningful conversations.
If you’d like to learn more, click the button below to see what’s included with the Spartan Tribe.