Masculinity is under attack. We see it all day on social media, the news, and in real life. Men don't get emotional though so you seldom hear anyone complain. Yet we are seeing men commit suicide at an alarming rate. This site is a refuge for men to be able to proud of being men.
Here on Path to Manliness, you will reclaim your manhood. I will teach you how to be manly and gentlemanly. There is nothing toxic about masculinity and there is nothing wrong with being a man. Be proud of who you are. Turn off the XBox, stop watching porn, and get back to the real world. Hit the gym! Start writing down your goals. Trade in your cargo shorts and oversized polos for an adult wardrobe.
Who am I? I go by Path To Manliness online, but you can call me Ryan Felman.
In 2017, my life was falling apart. In 2018, I found my mission in life. Now I am here to help young men find their mission through the wisdom I’ve learned in my journey.
I am a connoisseur of life. I am a published author, I'm a fitness junkie, and a resource for young men who are looking for guidance. My life changed when I survived a brutal divorce and I have found myself on the Path To Manliness. My typical days involve running, pumping iron at the gym and writing. In one year:
I lost 25 pounds
I ran my first 5K
I ran my first Spartan Race
I started this website
I wrote my first book, “Reclaim Your Manhood”
Now I focus on creation over consumption
Through my journeys I have learned to appreciate the finer things in life while not being consumed by materialism or mindless entertainment. I reject the mediocre world of binge drinking and binge watching in favor of a life of creation. I am here to help men become the very best versions of themselves. Modern culture and society are attacking manliness at its core. The destruction of the nuclear family has led to many fatherless homes and that means that an entire generation of men need help in this life. Follow me on your very own journey to reclaim your manhood.
I provide coaching for men looking to get into running, lifting weight, talking to girls or general self improvement. You can DM me on Twitter or Email me with a more specific request. I am very active on Twitter offering advice, fun anecdotes and other helpful information to men looking for a better life.
Get on the email list for the updates and self improvement advice you need!
When you sign up, you’ll recieve a FREE copy of my ebook: How to Break Free of the Matrix
Here you will find the answer to what each Matrix movie is asking of you.
This book will separate the free thinker from the mindless drone.
In it you will find the key to seeking your purpose in life.
Battle against rampant cynicism and follow your mission.
How you can gain a better appreciation for the world
Society has attacked manliness in nearly all venues of life. Now we have a society filled with confused men who who don't know what it means to be men. We have broken the nuclear family and caused a generation to be raised without a positive male role model in the house.
If you listen to everyone's advice, don't be surprised if you end up just like everyone else. They'll tell you to go to school, and do what you're told and one day, if you're lucky you'll be able to slave away making your boss rich. Fuck that!
Take control of your own life and make something of yourself. Get your ass in shape and build up your confidence. Buy the fast sports car. Write that book. Start your website. Don't let anyone hold you back with their self doubt and disbelief. That is why they are average.